Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP. i4, of the Comenarlt af'Workes. 22I bearsfall's witnefe: haute g all of thern a common and a familiar voder(}anding,fuch as euery man at the firft hea- ring doth conceiue, This therefore mull hauet!c like. And it is a thing in this point worthy to be obferucd, which the Taltnudifls cite fo oft. The u Lan, they tlea,ne u t) the Scripture, eaketh according to commonvfe. Now, let t\V'IR any man , indued onely with reafon and vnderllandirg beasked what this fhould meanc,Thoufl alt not covet thy D K Neighbotsrs hoof, ; he will certainely anfwer, We mutt be content with our owne. Secondly , The word that c.Tofes, path in 'Doatsro x Deut.5.2,7, nomie,fignifieth,T® long after a thing, and, To haue onef`1k1t1k t teeth water at it : for fo you (hall find it vfed, Mich.. tí. tong erlthy and in manyotherplaces, Neighbours Thirdly, The particular inflances, Thy Neighbotsr,r hotife,&c. Horsfe,Wife, Man-feruant,1 4id, Oxe, Ajfe,eranything that is his, declare manifefliy, that goods and poffe.1 ions are the proper ¡labial ofthis Commandement :for which caute , Exodtu 2,o.17. theWife ofour Neighbour (his molly precious pofafeffion ) cornmeth not in the fire y pYe,i9 t dace, but is fet in the tniddetr of other poffeffions, that by the veriemarfhallingofthe words, it alight appeare, that this Commandement reocheth not ro the defiringof ones Wife forfilthineffe and vncleanneffe fake. Fourthly , The order of the Commandements, going by degrees from thegreater to the leffe and fo continu- ally falling, till you come to this fin ofcoucting, which is the firfl fiep and beginningofall wrong and deceit, and yet differeth in nature from them both. Fifrhly,Addehereunto that which I hold as a certaine ground, and isprooued before at large, that the corrup- tionbothofnature and defire, is forbidden in eueryone,. fo as thiscannot be refirainèd to a feuerall degree of fin, but a differing and diilin& kind of finne from thofe that went before. Sixthly, and laflly, our Sauiour Chrifl,tbe befl Inter- preter