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22,2 Thefrig Evoke(if CHAP. i5. í. mat.19.19. a (.cx segos-$- ?iont. With the crea. tures,wbo are thus to doe his will, ithath pleated God to make aCo- uenant,which is called the Cotenant of Works : ACo- tenant of life (or bleßèdncs) to the doers:of death(orofa curie) unto tranfgreiliaurs. preter of the Law , doth fo expound it , C,Atarkf 10.9, when reckoning vp all the Commandements of the íé_ coed Table,in Head of,Thorn f alt not comet, he faith,Them fiahnot deprtne (or bereanea wanof ought hee bath) that is, ceuet or delire tohaue any thing that is his, though it be neither by wrongnor fraud , which two are forbid- den in the words next before, but ref( in that whichGod bath giuen thee,which in effe6t is to loue ourNeighbour as our felfe,as z Matthewhath it.For that this mutt needs be the fenfe of that place, cvtarke so. 19. I gather fir% becaufe (no doubt) our Sauiours purpofe was to reckon *p al the Gommandernents,without leaningout any one. Secondly, Tlfe;in fo fewwords bee fhould make afu- perfluous repetition, and not onely fo , but alto fpeake darkely and obfcurely that which was more cleerely taught before :for,Thou 9 fbalt not bereatte , cannot bee brought to explaine, Thon Jhalt not fleale: Thou ¡bait not bearsfalfewitnef f'e: it beinga great deale more queftiona- ble what is meant by that word, then by theother two. CHAP. XV. Of the Cotenant of Werk s. H E whole Doctrine ofRighteoufheff°e in the feueral parts & branches of it,hath hi- therto been declared, which is indeed the perfe& rule &derc6tory ofal duties what. foeucr,whi ch either v e owe toGod,or to our brethren for his fake. Now if a man (hail aske but what good commeth to vs,by the keeping ofthefe Commandements?This,if there were no more,is abundantly fufficient , that God is therebyglorified. Se as if it were poffible(which notwithfiandingcannot be) that doing hiswill,wee fhould perifheuerlalingly, yet ought wee as cheerfully,and with as readie mindes to o- bey,