Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

2 2 7hefr,fi Booke ofDiuinitie, CH AP. 15, doneall things that are inioynedvs,we mufffay, weare ern.. profitableferttants : for we have done nothingelfe beat that we ought to doe. And therein Iyeth a mayne difference betweene the reward and punifhment:for the punifhment is in Iu(lice, and (inne hath indeed a merit belonging to it, the merit d Luke ¡L.48. of Godsheauywrath and indignation, as it is faid,4He that dolly thingsworthy offit-ire', (ball bebeaten, &c. And Roms.6.a3, againe, e The wages and due defert offinne te' death. From this reward it follovveth , that the cxaet obferuation of the Law of God , bath alwayes a good conf+.ienceioy- ned with ir. A good confcience I call that, to hich beareth record to vs, that we doe well in all things, and thereforeare to be rewarded ; Whereof our Sauiour fpeaketh, loh.8.29. The Father bath not left mealone, 6ecaufe 1 doe altoayes the thingsthat are pleafing to him, called therefore good ; be. caufe telling vs wee doe well in all things , it affurerh vs of good. The fruit of this good confcience is perpe_ Pre.z f.ts. tuall by and comfort, as the f Wifeman faith, er1 good confcience is 4 continual, Fear` . And therefore -this is,as it were, theGate that leadeth into the poffeffion of the promifed Happineffe. Againe, frcrn the punifhment it followeth that con- trariwife, finne hath attending vpon it guilt and an mill confcience. Guilt is an e(}ate, that, by reafonofour finne, bindeth vsouer vnto punifhment, andmalceth vs fubic& to -the wrathof God, as our Saniour Both expreffe it, Matth.s. 22. He thatfaith to his Brother,Fvole, is. gssiltie of hellfire, Gene/Ii q..7. It is compared to a Curre, or a matiiffe Dogge, which is alvvayes arring and barking againfivs If thou finne finneyeth at the doore, readic to flyc in thy g face, and to take vengeance on thee. g Aneuillcoufeb- ence, (fo called bÿ the Apoflle, from the cffe61,) is that, which, by rcafon wee haue finned , telleth vs of the pu-.