Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C x A r.15 . of the Cotsemott ofWorke.t. 225 punifhment wee are guiltie of and which abideth for vs. The fruit ofan euill Confcience,is perpetuall feare and horror, as appearet h by h CAIN: Nine iniquitie (the guilt and puni(hcnent,which through the fame I am fub- ie6 vnto) greater then l can beare. And in the King of Babel, BE LS HA S SERt whofe i Royaltie tas all chan.. ,zed, his thoughts perplexedhim, the girelings of his loynes 'loafed, and hió klees darned one againft another, when hee law the Bill of his Ind'i&ment drawne. Felix k alto is Paid to baue beene afraid, hearing P A v L diiuteofRigh_ teoufneffe and Temperance, from which bee was fo farre, and ofthe lodgement that was to come, which he trembled tothinke vpon. Such a terrourdoth the guilt of an euill Confcience (like into a man: and therefore is,as it were, the Hangman, to leade him by the hand to the place of Execution,as it is fai ci, fob x8.1x.that Terrors terrifiehim roundabout,and calf' him downe, followinghimat the heelcs, and leave himnot,till they halve broerght him before the terri- ble King. But neyther the reward nor punifhment are alike to euery one; it is to forne more, to fame leffe,as their righ_ teoufneffe or (inne aboundeth: For 1 emery man,ffyth the Apof}le, ;hall receive his owne hire, or meafureof glorie, according to his owne worke. And the fame is to be Paid of the other member: for as the finne increafeth,fodoth the punifhmenr, as our Saviour fayth, m Hee that deliisered meveto thee, path thegreater finne, both for the guilt and punifhment which bee (hall futlayne. And ("Wattha I, n It (hall be eagerforTyran and Sidonat the Dayofludge_ ment, then foryoo. The reward,as we heard, is life : o Hee that doth thefe things, (hall line by them. Life, the greatef} good that can pollibly come vnto a Creature,.the full bleffcdneffe and perfe6tion of his nature: for by it is meant a continuance, with growth and increafe in all Holineffe Happineffe, im.. Both more or kite, as the righteoufneflè or finne a- boundeth. : i.Cor.3.3. m lohn r9.e1. n dáatth.ri.zt, zz,z3,lq,. Lire is a con- tinuall pro- greflè in holí- ne(ì'eand hap- pima. o Leuit.13.5". EK;°ch. ROM. ro,s.