Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

226 The firft Booke of Diuinitie, ÇHAP.I5. immortalitie.. And what more fwcet then Life, wherein all Pleafures are enjoyed ? Death is the The puni(hment is death, Genets 2.17. In the day thora contrary to eatef# oftheforbiddenfrnit,thou fhalt dye. Death therefore them both. is the reward of (-nine : Death both fpirituall, in a fub -. ie&ion to the power of firme ; and reali , in an efláte fubie5t to deffru6}ion. Thus the Apoflle `Paul doth ex- pound it,Ephefrana 2. z,2, 3. when hee teachcth, that by nature we arc firiF, dead infnne, thefonnes ofdif©bedience; and then,the childrenofwrath and condemnation.Wherea fore,this is the moll fearefull punifhment that can bee thought of comprehending the whole Curie of the P Deuta7,i6, Law, wherein all miferies are enwrapped : P Curled tz every one that continueth not in all things whichare written in the pokeof the Law,to doe them. Which, becaufc inour corrupt eflate it is impofïible for men to doe, therefore this Couenant is Paid ta engender children unto bondage, Gal, 4.24. N.'nlely, Here therefore is threatned the voter ruine and de- ficad o: Boll- flru&ion of the Creature ; a finnefull and damnable t darltnes, eflate : Contrarie through-out and in all the parts, a entail cor- p 9 ruptionofthe one to the-; Holincf'rie, the other to the Happineffe be- whole firength fore defcribed. Sinneftíll, both in blmdnrI e ofMinder ofnaturevnto or darkencífe of Vnclerfianding, and in a totall cor -. alvnrighrec>u' ru tien of the whole Man , - and of all the ,lrength nefle: in fiead p of happineile, of Nature , to the working or alt Vnri,hteoufnefle the wrath of Damnable .and wretched, in the Wrath of God , and God,& all the all the eulli that commet -h of it.: Separation from his cull that com p refe,ncc ; Slau:rie,, to Sinne and Satan ; WcakenéfÇe methof ir,coa- Crary to the for and Infirmitie ,; Shame:.,' Ignorance , and fach like. mer coniunai- But all thefe things wee Ball more particularly fet on & commu- forth hereafter, taonwithDial. C14AP>: