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CHAP .16. of the Fallofc.4igels, CHAP. XVI. of the Fall of angels. E are now to fpeake of the fall of there two Creatutes , who were not abic to weld fo great a happinefre as they were created in:for manyofthe Angels,and all men in Adam and Eue,the roote ofMan- kinddid milerahle fall away,finning againll God ; as of the Angels it appeareth,Ioh. 8.44. He (die. Deuill ) was a Alan "layer-from the beginning and abode not in the truth. y 2.11es:2.4. For if God 'parednot the Angels that finned, q lude ver. 6.- The Angelsalfo that kept not theirfirfl es`iate, but left their owne dwelling, hehat hreferuedinchaines, Vic. And of the fall of man,the Storie islet dovvne, gen.?. For albeit theyxere created holy, yet being Crea- tures, confèquently they were of a changeable difpoíi- tion, and therefore fubieé to temptations, and to bee euercorne of them, if theywere not vpholden by the fu- pernatural graceofGod, which neither in Iuttice he nee- ded,nor in his wifdom& goodies faw it fit to do, difpo- -ngoftheirfall for the better f tting forth Of his glory, Thoreafon that a&ually they feu, was, For that they were left vnto themfelues:whereby it came to paffe,that in their owne freewill, and of their voluntarie choice, they leaned vnto euill : albeit by the integritie of their nature, they were able to haue kept themfelues vpright : As the Apoflle r loth pronounce, that God temptetb no man, buteuery One is tempted, being drawn away, and inti,. ced by his owne lns.tis. And Ecclef7.29, God madeall r,iën right eosea, but they them f lsscs house fought many inventions, other then according to right. And this was neither by chance, Godnot knowingof it, nor by a bare and idle permitlion, or againtl his will, but rather accordingto the counfell ofhisowne Will, Ephefi. All f whofe workes are za7 This couenant both Angels& mE(inour firft Parents Adam andEue) kept fora time: But left unto themfelucs, they quickly fell away. o Iol;n 8.44. p 2.Pet.2,.4, q rude verte 6, c . lames fat 15.13.