Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

228 The firfi Evoke of Diuinitie, CH A r ab. are io®r'nevnto himfrom all eternitie, but yet without ap- probationofthe finne, The time when they fell was anon after the Creati- on;but how long after,the Scripture faith nothing:how- beit, till the fixt Daywas paífed, it feerneth they Conti- 6Atop. Hued in their firfi integritie : For ti then Codfawalltbat hee hadmade, and it wad exceeding good. Betide , touching man, the Comuiandernent for the Sabbath was given to Geraz,a:3. him inParadife after the fixt Day. So the Storie u tellcth vs, When God hadperfected his Worke, that he had made, the feuenthDay he relied, andbleffed thefementh Day, andfan_ ft ified it, becawfe in it he had reliedfrom all his works. The fourth Commandement path it a little plainer : Infire dayes I E x o V A x made Heartenand Earth , the Sea and all that is in them , andrelied the fenenth Day : therefore, JEHOVAH bleffed the Sabbath Day and hallowed it : By his ovine example eniryning on that Day, a perpetual) Reti to vs : wherefore, the three firtt Verfesofthe fecond Chapter of Gene(is , as it feemeth , are not well diuided from the former Chapter,that fhould con taine a Iournall of the ftrti feuen dayes, which being finifhed, Mafia ta- keth vp a new Prame to beginne a new narration: The fall now and punifhment that came of it ,is to be confide- red in each of thcfeCreatures ditlin ly and aparr. In the Fall ofAngels, t.hefe things are remarlceable Fhft,ofrhe Firfa, They were the fitti that fell : whereupon the Angels. Deuillis called tie firtl founder offinne,loh.8.44, Secondly, Their tpeciall finne What it was, appeareth not fc euidently in the Scripture. Iv DE faith, They left their ownehabitation. AndP E TER, that they finned. Our S AV I o V R,that they continuedmot in the troth:meaning, the firfi integritie wherein God had let them,which is all the Scripture in expreffe rermes & proper deliveranceof 20/14.11; their fall. As for the place of Efay, a it is but a wrcfiing, to apply it vnto the fall of Lucifer; the Prophet fpeaking ofBeltelhatz,er the,who fhined once as the glorious mor-