Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

230 h Reuel. i a. 9. Aid bis Angels were call out with him. Iviattha5.4T. Which isprepa- redfor the deuil! and his angels. i TOT k ArxßoTos. I lob t.9.0s. 4, 5 a. Cor. 4.4. m Iob.16.11. n Mattaa. z4. The curfe vp- on them is the fulnes ofGods wrath, which falling vpon a barecreature, not able to bear the brunt of it, crufheth him downeinto hei for eu. r. o s.ret.a4 p Iodeverf 6. And this elite is calledDam- nation ; draw- ing with it the full height and tep of all ini. quitie,hatred of God,obili- nate vnrepen. tance, final! dc Aeration, and (u h like. q Ephef.6.1 rJohn 2.8. f cituapTávit. Theftrf$ Booke'of Diuinitie, CHAr.16. are faid to beehis n Angels and Miniflers , and hee their head andprince, exceeding them all in malice. i Satan he is called,that is, anAduerfarie, the capitali enemicof God snd of Mankinde. k Deuill, that is, a calumniator and a slanderer. ; for he did not (ficke to ca- lumniate God himflfe to Etre, and l vs he doth calum- niate continually to God. Sometimes hee is fet forth bymany other termes to note his piimacie : "Thu Gedoftbis yi rid, m The Prince of this World. The Scribes andPharifes from that hor- rible Idoli of the Philiflims, whom they worfhipped at Ek,rcn, called him n Belfebub the princeofthe Deuils. Thus muchof thefall of Angels. Their punifhment is the fulnefe of Gods wrath , which inflantly fell vpon them, afíoone as they fell from God, and crufhed them downe into Hell for euer. So faith PE TER , God 'pared not the Angels that tinted, but throwing them into Hell, delivered them unto chaynes of darkneffe, to bekLept vnto lodgement.-And 1v v E,PThe Ax.. gels that kept not theirfart? eflate , but left their ownehabita_ tian , he hath kept with euerlaffirgch.ynes vnder darkneffe,: vnto the iudgement of the great Day. Our Sauiour like- wife ttellethvs, that euerlafgingfire is theportion allotted to them, Ol1atth.25. This fearefull efiate is called Damnation,and draweth after it the full height and topof all iniquitie , hatredof God , obfiiinateVnrepentance, final! Defperation, and fuch like. Wherefore the 9 Apotlle, to exprefiè the fin- fulneffe of thefe damned Spirits, calleth them Spiritual things of t3'ick,,dneffe; that is,the Spirits whollydrowned and fwallowed vp in wickednes.And our Sauiour Chrifi, lob. 8.14. The Deuiil is a lyer, and thefatherof!yes; and when he fpeaketh a lye, hefpeakçth ofhis o3nne. Finally, bee c111,°th fir,ne,Thedoing of the luf s ofthe Devil!.: As r lohn loth , The works of the Deuill : telling vs, that f hee frnetb continual!) ( for that is the force of the prefent tcnfe)