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V. =re ......,..... CHAP .16. of the Fallofe.í4regels. 23 I tente)fret» the beginning,etaer fince the World was made. Therefore he is called The t vncleane firit : The wic- ked one, yea, The x Tempter : not onely vile and wicked hitnfelfe, but tempting andfolIicitingothers to it : for as they feare not to oppofe themfelues direaly agaiuft the molt high Maieilie : fo towards men they ceafe not to vfe all meanes that may be,both force and fraud,to draw them away fromGod. Hence hee is called t TheEnensie. And z Peter faith, rompAdwerfarie the D walk.çth aboat,lik,e a roaringLi- on,Jeekingwhom hee may deteoure. Yet even amongtilde alto, many are to be foundnaughtier, and more vile and wicked then the other, as our Sauiour Chrift teacheth, Matth. i a.45. when thevncleane fpirit gaeth out ofa man, tic. then he goeth and taketh with himfeue» other fpirits more »aught thenhimfelfe. I doubt not but our Sauiours meaning there , is by a figuratiue fpeech to note out fundrieother vices fouler and more detef}able then the former : but withall (putting the caufe for the effe6) bee dothnot obfcurely giuc tovnderPcand, that there becer taine Deuils which haue the gotternment,as it were, and attendance ouer fome certaine fpeciall finnes, to egge men thereto : whither tendeth alto that in another place, a This kind of Denill is not call stet but by Falling ated Prayer. But notwithfiandingthey were deliuered vp, as be- fore is laid, vato chaînes ofdarknetfe, and throwne into Hell, yet it pleafeth God many times to cafe them of their torments, fending them out of that place ofdarke_ nefe, to walke heere vp anddowne : for where theDe- uils in the b Gofpel befeech our Sauiour Chriii, thathe* wouldnot throw them into that Deeps, the Guile of Hell, which they fo feare and tremble at ; and in a another place exporlulate with him that hee came to torment them before the time; from thence may bee gathered, that force releafe they find of torment, whilell they Q,4 roatne t Alat,ri.41; u Mat,13.9. x Mat.4.3. y XRt.r;:;'e, ti I.l'et. 5.8. a Mat.I'.tfe Notwithflan. ding, it plca- feth God ma- ny times to fend them fomcrcleafa out of th it dungeon, b Lkfee S.Z I. c