Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

232 Thefirfi Baoke of Diuinitie, CHAP.!6. *feting them to dwell in the Ayre,and to roame tho- rowout the World. that fo they may be 'Ant- melts to work pleafure here amongvs All this, till a day appointed, whichwe call the latter Day, when they Thal receiue their Taft doomeof an euerlailing and more dreadfull dam- nation, with execution ac- cordingly. z. Pet. z.4. t It4evesfie. roame here vp and downe, wi}ich in thole Priions of darknefle is more hardly laycd vpon them : Therefore they dwel in the Ayrc,as the Apotlle teachetl,Eph.6. z 2. when hee faith , The #iritseal things of wickednefe,.which are in the heauenlyplaces, meaning in the Ayre t at is a- boue vs. And Ephe f z.2. he caileth Saten,The Princethat hat power in the Ayre: That from the place it felfe , and the aduantage which he bathby that, wee might learne the rather to take heed of him. And to thisend, is God pleafed thus to releafe them, that fo bee may vfe them as in1rumetats to worke his good pleafure here among vs : either for the comfort of his children,(though they labour all they can to the con- trade,) or the plaguingof the wicked. This is their efiate till a fet and folermne day appoin- ted of God for bringing them vntoIudgement, which wee call the latter Day , when they (hall vndergoe the whole extremitie and fulneffeof Gods wrath, in a grea- ter and more fearefull manner. That they are then to be brought vnto Iudgement, it appeareth out of that which Peter and lsede doe fpeake Agreeablewhereunto is that olP A V a.;Doyeu not know, we 'ball incise the angels ? T. Cori 6. That till the Day of Iudgetrtent, the extremitie is forme waymitigated. The fame Apofiles teach: d one, in faying, They are delisered unto chaires ofdarkneffe ,to be ,kepi veto lndgernent : theeo- ther, that god keepeth themwith truer/Ailing chaires under darkneh, veto the lodgement ofthe great Day. Whereby it is manifef},that the judgement which they yet lye vn- der,is not fo fearefull and terrible as that which abidetk for them. So much may fufl'tce for the Angels that fell. The Angels that finned not are fupernaturally vp holden from all poflïbilitie of falling. Therefore our Sauiour, Marke 12. 25. cornpareth the flare of Gods Children in the Rcfurrebion,when all (hall be firme and affable, The Angels that fell not, arefupernatu- rally vaholden from all dan- gerof falling.