Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

(,; H A P I % of the Fall ofUfrtan. 233 fiable , vnto the flare of the holy Angels as now they (land : In the refurrellion they neither 'name, nor are mar- ried,but are 46 the Angels of God in Heauen. I.Tirn.5. zI, They are called, The Elett Angels : fecretly oppofed to thofe that fell Reprobates and Call-awayes, for whom hellfire was prepared, Matt.2 54I . But I fay, This holding vp is faapernatarall: they haue it not from their owne verrue or excellencie of nature, (for why then fhould nor the ref( haue had it ?) but by themeere favour and goodneff. ofGod. Wherefore it is faid, lob4.18. In his Angelsheeput nofteddinef : as wee haue (hewed before, that to bee vttchangeablc, and not fubie6 to temptation, is the proper praiiè of God. CHAP. XVII. Of the Fall of Ciliato. N the Fall of Iv' A vt I obferue, F.rfl That their finne was the eating of the forbidden fruit, as the Storie fpe- cifieth, f Genrfis 3, whereunto they carne by thefe degrees : frrff, they ; beheld it, then they dcfired the beautie ofit, third- ly, they tooke,and laífly, did eat of it. Neither was this theonely fanne : it was accompanied with a multitude of other firmes; drawing them to this aauall andopen difo- bedieuce of the Commandement of G o n,whereby the fouleneffe of their offence Both the more appeare : As firfl, Infidelitie, in a doubting of the truth of God, and falfifyiugof his Word : for heehad Paid, What dayye eate thereof, ye f,allcertaislydie. E v E reciteth toithe Ser- pent,Lefi peraduentrrre yec dye: fpeaking doubtfully,as of a thingnot certaine. Secondly , A crediting of G o D s enemie and theirs; After the fall ofAngels f Gen. ;. I. vft,, perle8, g Gee.3.6,