Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

234 The firf$ Bookeof Diuinitie, CH A P. z 7. theirs, and fo preferring the DsHill aboue Go D. Thirdly, A falfc opinion in their heart ofGod, that be enuyedrtheir goodeflate. Fourthly, Intolerable Prideand Ambition, in deli- ring tobe equall withGod. Other circumflances there are further to increafe their finne. Firfl, That it was against their knowledge and con- fcience, though Satanhad in fome fort blinded the eyes oftheir vnderflanding. Secondly,That hauingbut one onely Commandement, and that fo eafie to keepe , as to abf}aine from one onely fruit, in fo great plentie and varietieof other, yet they brake it. The next thing to bee obferued in their fall, are the A&ors themfelues, or at leaf}, fuch as had fome part in this bufineffe. Firfl, Godmay bee faid an Aaor, or rather , Ouer feet and Orderer of the a} done, who for the mani- feflingof his Iuflice and Merde, purpofed from euerla. fling , by leaning our firf} Parents to themfelues and the vie of their owne free-will , through his infinite Wifedome, Power, andProuidence, fo to rule and dif= pofe of their fall, that it fhould tend both tohis owne glorie, and to the goodofhis Elea. By Satans Secondly,Satanwas the principali A6or,who hauing temptation lately before fane in a defperate hatred ofGod, and enuie of Mankind , tempted themveto it. In which re- (pea our Sauiour faith, he was a cfrtnrderer porn the he- ginnivg,leh. 8.44. The manner ofwhole temptation is to be confidered, of Ewe. Firf}, In beginning h with the woman the weaker h a.T'im.3.6. veffell, and that,when fhe was away from her Husband. Secondly, in the inf}rument that he vied, the Serpent, not onely the fubtillefl of all the beafls of the Field, which were to bekept out of the Garden, but the nim- bled