Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP .17. of theFall of(Alan. ble{f and ilyetl , as the k word doth alto fignifie : and therefore fitted to creepe inand out, till hehad done his feat,withwhom (as it Teemed) the woman talked,vvith. out fufpitionof fraud,or afioni{hment co heare a dumbe Creature fpeake , becaufe not then knowing of the fall of Angels, thee thoughtfome Angell had fpoken in the Serpent. The fetches and deuices which hee had to draw her intohis nets, are worthy to be confidered : Hee playeth the Ozetlionia 114th God , &c. knowing that vnder themaske of a queilion,it was more cafie for him to find a vent for his dcuilIifh and mifchie- uous dcfigne. Secondly, Hee maketh a wonderment, = 114th God in. deed, d.r ? As if it were fo firange a thing for the Crea- tour to iaioyne a Law vnto his Creature at his plcafure, efpecially one onelyLaw,and that fo milde,fomoderate, foeafietobeobCerned. k Thefewords Thirdly, He proceedes by Equinoeations and Sophi- b144h k flicall Elenches, that youmay cafilyknow the father of 2.9 `--j5 y all Equiuocators;but yet carrying it clofer,and in a more fubtil manner then hisSeholers our grate Equiuocators 7e fball net Cate ti ofQll (or elect)) doe. Tree of the Gr. Forfirft,hce makes as ifGod had forbidden them to denintheHe. Bate anyof the fruit at all which being to mont}rous an brew phrafe untruth, that this father of lyes for all his impudencie, doe ordinarily durfl not fpeake out, yet hee lifpes and minces it with mu;has or ,yee ambiguouswords, and mentallrcferuations, vfing k a fballeatofnone, fpeech that in the phrafe of that tongue importeth the As Pfal. ;43o1 one or the other; either that they might not cate of all, ? or not cate of any at all at the leaf+, hee would fallen fo much upon her, as tomake her tobeleeue, that to forbid Eueryliuing to cate of any one, was in e fe&: as much as to forbid creaturefhd them all ; which doubtfulnelfe of fpeech Eue well c- 44- not be iufiihed 'lough vndertiandino anNe th him to both. mfoningi The Secondly Perceiuing by her anfwere, that her faith iúing ereatrtre, be- 235 ----------- hvv.For it commeth of a root, which fignifieth to masse naked or bare, as men vfe ro do, when theywould go nimbly about a thing. i 15`,3 Is fo ta- ken interroga., tiuely, lob 39. 3a.