Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

236 fir,/1 Bookeof Diuinitie, CHAP.1 7. began to wauer in making a peraduenture of GODS 1 He dothnot threatning, which was fo eertayne he catchtth hold of fay , r"-"V?' that, and for ferre of bewrayinghimfelfe too foone if 11h C1 t,7 he fhould directly contradict that whichGodhad faid, that is not dye, , ,yee Thal! he thinks it enough to fnatch at her owne words , to in- or, It is certain ferre forne doubt of the matter : 1 Tee/hatlnot dye indy- yc fhalnot die; ing. As ifhe fhould fay, Then it is not eertayne that yee which had bin fhall dye. direly con- trary to Gods Thirdly , When bee feeth Thee held her cares open to threatning,but his charmes , and that hee had once wound withinher, VrOnn t17 then he beginneth to Phew himfelfe inhis colours. Now rolg Teefball he flicks not moufiroufly, audacioufly,impudently, and n®t dyeto dying: like hitnfèlfe , tobelye Godvnto his face , appealingto that is Ye {hall not certainly him for the iuflifyingof a moil foule and horrible flander dye: or , It is againfl his owne Malefic. ; hee fcoffcs eAdam. , and eau not eertayne with lais Equiuocations , that their eyes fhould be opened, yce {hall dye : the flsould be (forfooth) as Gadr &c. he maketh a fophi- brew Tongue, flicall interpretation of the name that God had giuen to brew p there is as the Tree of Knowledge of good and mill. This (tine, muchdiffc- fearefull at the firfl,and afhamed to (hew the face,wben rcnce between it etteth flrength)and groweth unto a height,it becom- the.e twokinds g of fpeech, as meth moll infolent and intolerable. there is in En- A fourth thingin this temptationof Satan, is, that he glifh bctwcene life el the Woman as an infirument to feduce the Man. this, Certainly The 411 Actors were 0,4darn and Eue themfelucs, who yeeJiaall not dye: through weakneffe but voluntarie, and of their owne and this , Tee JhaU not cer- free will, gaue piace to this temptation. tainly dy::which The third thing I obferue in the fall of Man, is, That latter being Adam and Eue all mankinddid fall, he being confide. ¿pore nice an red not as one private man, but as the father of all men, tteDe is and fuflayning the publike perfon of mankinde. And that theDeuiil o p p here vfeth : therefore wee all haue part in his tranfgreffion : As the and, through Apoffle faith , `Tom. g. 12. In whom all menfinned : be- her, ofAdam cause we are his Off fpring and Pofleritie , and were in they, and all his loynes when hee offended. According whereunto, them, mangy. landdid fall, Heb.7.9,1o. L.etni is faid tohauepaidTithes , becaufe 46ra-