Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP. 17. of theFall of Clfan. 37 Abraham, in vvhofc loynes Itee was when' bee met Mel- chifideok , payd Tithes veto lair. Which makes Adams finne the greater, in that he murdered not hirnfelfe, but allthat come from hiin. And this is the full Pinne of all Man-kinde , that Adams eatingof the forbidden fruit, with all the fnncs that did accowypanie it, is our eating and we guiltie of' the faneoffences, wlticlì is a frame for. raine and without vs. Thus farce ofthe Fall ofMan. . Their punifhment by the great patience and long fuF The cur(èvn feranceof God and in lais fingular mrtercie to make a to :hem, (by way for the Redemption of the World , is fo quail- clnce and l ng fled, that the vttermoft and mofr extreame furie of it, fuffcrance of is put off vino the latter flay : whereupon grow two di_ God andin: flin& degrees of this (null and curfed ef+ate.. The fiat is lushnttoar that,which is in part only during this prefent life;where- make away for in,our finfulnes is indeed a thorow and a total! corrupti_ the Redennpti- onoftrhe -whole arer'gth ofnature, gz of all that integri- onof Man- ti^ wherein we were created , to the cornmitting of all 1fied)thatÌtea.. vr,tiÿhteoufncf'fe, though not info full and high a pitch vttermofl: and as !hall be afterwards. moil extreme Thus fume I terme it total], furieófit, is .The Doftrine of Free-will, becaufe we are wholly tain- put off till :he. which I'elagtt s; and. after him 1Ftter Da the Papifrs reach, ted fi defiled with fin ;that, whereupon Semipelagians, that imagine as O} lè , it f oteth into our brow two de- inaman vnre;eneratc tome a- bones, and as rottennefle it of this bilitie to do wel,but weake and goeth thorow euerie part catfedeflate .vnlufhcient of it felfe, vnlIfe is power' for either it is both d h of foule i n part oncly bcholpcn o r God : And fo take p partofGodshonor fromhim, and bot}ie , as' well tot`re during this abu1ng'to that purpoé thofe corruption of our whole na- life, orin the verie places which,thcApof}le tore, as ( wilt ch followeth fulneíleofit, profeflcdly cloth, write togiue neceffarily thereupon to a:ierdeath;Ir part onely as the whole glorieuntoGod, inc deprauing of all our their finfulnes the and waies; and that in both parts of Righte- not in the oufnefle, 13.17 le and Iuflice : for as the Apof}Iebeareth highefi pitch. record, God hashlout vp 'o all,'that is,all men, and what- ° 764" 7611/36, . forms...