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The firf Bookeof Diuinitie, Cx AP. c 7 foeuer is of man, under Pine, Galat. 3. 22. Whereupon a. Cor.4.7. bee cryeth out, What haft thou, Omarl, `rege.. nerateand borne againe)that thou haft not rcceiued? whol- ly and euerie whit from the free Grace of God ? It is therefore termed totall in three refpeEts : Firíl , in refpe& of all the powers and faculties of the minde,foule and bodie, which, as a Leprofie, it bath in euerie part infc6ed,and as a generall floud it bath wholly ouerflowne : As God himfelfe fpeaketh of the heart, p Gen. 6.5. That the whole P fame of it it onely euill continual1y,ggen.6. °l vffis.; The minde g firtl, the Queene and Ladle Mifiris of all other faculties,which thePhilofophers fo much extoll, is reckoned amongíl themof} corrupt parts of man, I.Tirn. 6.5.. and z.Tírnotb. 3.8. (Alen corrupted in their mind. So Rona. t. the Apoflle attributeth to all men by nature, An ä' Rom. I. 11. r heart without vnderilanding and a f winde vovd of f Rom.t.z8, iudgement. Wherefore, Roma 2. 2. bee doth exhort vs, Be transformed in the renewing ofyour mind. And Ea96. ef_ ans 4.23. Be renewed in t theffirit of your mind. So calling voòs. theverle power and ílrengthof our mind, or that which is moí'r inward in the mind : The mind, as it were,of the mind it felfe, toPhew , that in thole parts, that of all other ought to bee the foundefl : and where the force of reafon fbould bee greatefl,heete this corrupritiu bath ta- ken faficíc hold.Wherefore,in another,, place he fpeaketh u (Pa vola. of that mof+c excellent u power and facultieof the foule, whereby.we reafon, anddifcourfe, and drawone thing E(bef i.18. out of another ; That It the eyes ofvcur dafcoarfng part may be inlightened; as- being of it felfe full of darl,i,e.fe; y .Ethef.4.18. as Y other-where he faith. And- Ron.1..2r. lee reekoneth vp in then umber there fet dowrie,McnVainein their rea_ fonings;and the wil ofthe fle,/handreafoningpart are ioyned together, as both corrupt and naugt t,Ephefz.3.Ncither is the mind only,but the confcience ai o is defiled.: for fo the Apoflle teififieth, Titus a. g. To the vncleaue nothing is pure, but both their mind and confcience. is defiled.- Albeit