Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C H A P.I7. of theFall of (.../Wan. 239 Albeit there retnayne, in this part ofcur Minde and Confcience, fume Reliques las wee {hall heare arion) td make vs vnexcufable,but in the other part all are corrupt and naught, and wee vtterly gone and dead in tanne : for frll,tot!chingour delïres,all whatfoeuer rifeth vp within vs, is onely euill continually : for a We are Not,fay th the z Gen4,5', ApoLLle,mcet ofourfelues to thine any thirg,asofourfelases, a 2..cor.3,5o but that we are greet, st is of God. Therefore, Ephef 4, 22. oyí spar, bee wilicth vs to past off the old man, which is corrupted through deceirsable luth. And Ro7n, i. 24. The lulls of oser owne hearts; or, as b lames it, ouromne lufrs are put b iam.r.r4. in (lead of Reallyand wicked lulls. Touchingthe Will; albeit the fame dill remayne free (elfe were it nowill at- all) yet the freedorne.of it ílandeth onely in this to bee carryed wholly,and freely,and willingly into euill ; and therefore to be a flaue and feruant vnto finnc,Whereupon c Peter vfeth the will of the Gentiles, in flead ofa Deuilli(lt c and wicked will; to (hew, that fuchis the will of vs all without Chrift. The affectlions alto, that it may appeare how they are wholly ,drowned and taken vp of finnc. are called by the Apoflle fnfcsll afeïlions,oraffeilionsofallkind offinnc, Rom.7.5. And lallly,to {hew that this contagion flicketh toour vihole body, and all the parts and members of it, the fame-Apollle expreffeth finfull lulls by the name of the lofts of the body, Row. 6. 5. Becai.,fe they Riche in our flefh, at,d the foule by thefe lulls mooueth the body,as the body againe by them folliciceth and prouoketh the foule, ,This corruption of all our parts, q+nitc eflranged from the Life ofGod,the Apóflle elegantly fetteth forth, and particularlydoth enumerate, ephef:4. 17,18, r 9. our tnindes to bee vaine and ignorant, our dtfcourfing part tobv,daxker_sed, the heart,which there heputceth for the flefre, will, affr6îions,to be hardened, bentlmrrted, and greedily carrycd'vetofvine; our felues, that is our ho. dies, to be fie inf ruments of all vncicanneffe. This there- fire