Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

,.-..+.. .. 242 The f Booke of Diuinitie, CH AP.t7' the flefb,The ' will of the fle/h, The s affeE1ioni of the f efb. All thefe parts before reckoned, the Apofile comprehen- deth,ephef.2.3. Fitt+, generally naming the fleth, or the whole manvnregenerate, which hee afterwards diuieleth into twokinds,Ths flefh;fo callingby thegeneral' name, that part of the Soulc,wheretn the lull and will and un- bridled affeecions are,and our difcourfng parts,or the ve- ryarength of the Mande, ofKnowledge, Iudgetnent,Me- morie,Confcience. Among doing will o f whom th did fle(h, and of tterfe in the lofts of ourflefb, g the difcourfsng parts. All which he calleth not halfe dead,but thorowly and a verjr wholly a dead ; leaning nothing unto man, which finne raxps. bath not defiled. Shewing further, that we haue this by b ¢J :r. b nature, not by cuaonte or example, as elfewhere c hee c Rom5.13,14 proue thby the death of little Infants,whicis neuertranf greffed ai}ually, as e/4dan9 did, dying as Icone as they were borne,and yet fanners by nature; for otberwife they couldnot dye,vntill the Law, Sinne, was in the world : for Death raigned from ADAM unto M o s s s , own vpan themwhich bad not finned, according to the likeneffeof the d Iohn3.6. tranfgrefon of ADAM: for,as our.Sauiour d fayth, That which rs borne of thefle/h (fuch we ate all by nature) t3 flcl`3i, e lobx3.4. and, Who (fayth I o B) e can giue cleaaae thing out ofthat which is vncleane ? .Not one. This naturals Corruption, the Scripture calleth Sinne, f Rory 7.rß. becaufe it is the fnke and puddle of all other linnes g Rom.70-3 and the Law g of Sinne, vvlaich,as vtterty peruerting the whole flrength ofNature, and contrary thereunto, bath } ivmrtipi51470v, an elegant addition giuen vtato it,Heb. 2.I. h Sinne that isfowell fitted, togird to in, as a curbe and a bridle, hol- dingvs backe,that wee arenot able to runne the courfe that is fcc before vs. Thereof it is, that all our acîions are corrupted and naught. Rom. 3. 22. There is none that doth good, no not ore: Rom.. 5 ïlien we were in theflefh, finfull affeL1ions wrought its our members, to bring y Ep13ef:z.3. Ga1.5,14,