Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P.I7. ofthefia of N1aYJ. Z4i thing elfebut this, Aivake , those that fleepefl', and arii from the dead, that Chrif# mayThine veto thee. Wherefore,ofour wifcdome it fclfe,wherein weboa. fled fo much, and thinkewe foextoll, the Scripture fpea- ketheuidently, that t The natorallman ùnot capable of the thing; of the Spirit ofGod : for they are foe/ifhnejfe unto him, neither can bee know them, becaufethey are fpiritually discerned. And the Apolile g lames maketh naturall wifedome all one with that which is earthlyand Deuil. brit. Wherebywemay easilyvnderfiand,what is to bee faid of the inferiour parts. And therefore lode h oppo_ fingnaturall mento them that haue not the Spirit,fhew_ eth euery inchof vs, before weebee regenerate, to be a lumpe of earth, and part of-Satans brood. In regardof which generali contagion,and the better to fet forth howour whole man , and whatfocuer is in man, withinand without, from the top to the toe, is by nature nothing clfe but a lumpe andmaffc ofall vnclean- neffe; the Scripture calleth vs Fle(h, t wherein k no food thing, bait allfane cloth dwell flelbly , fold under fine, Rom. 7. 14. which being there oppoled to the Lawof God, which is ff'irituaü,that is,requirethheauenlyperfe- etion and integritie of nature, as concerning all the parts and powers of our foule and bodie, fhewcth by flefh , which is the Epithets giuen tovs all , and to Paid himlelfe,fo farro as hee is vnregenerate, the quite contra- rie to beFmeant. Furtherit calleth vs , The i old man, The m otstrvardraran, The * members, The Law of the ® members, Thebodie P offìnne, or finfull bodie where. inPinne fo llicketh, and the q fi, fcsll 6edie of f ej . Bywhich words, it meaneth not this outward bodie onely, lubie& to our eye, but all the parts andpowers of man without exception.Therefore themonde it felfe,and foule , and all the faculties of them both, are termed Fiefh , Aminde t of flesh , The r vnderflanding of the f efh, F1a(hy t trifsdotne , bins, The X 1N. ff of the E raCer.a,iq.. g Iame,t3.r56 h ,Iredeverrts, i Iohn3 .6. I.Cer. i g. 50. I.Pet 4.t. Rom 7415. k Rom.7.17, 18,2,0. 1 Rom.6.6. cot. 3.9. m 2,Cor.4.16r n Col.3.5. o p Rom,66.6 7.14. q Col.a.i`. r Col.2,.i8. f Rom.8.6,7 t a.COY.I.IZ u I.Pet.Z.Ii. x Ephefr.3. 6.2l.5.16,14- I loba.2,.16.