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240 The ftrfl Pooke of Diuinitie, CxAP.( 7. fore Ijayand teflifie in the Lord,thatyee wakenomore at the other Gentiles walks,in the uanitieof theirminde,dark,ned ix their difcossrfngparts, ieinn eIfranged from the life ofGod, through the ignorance which is in them by the hardnefe of their ozone hear, which, after they his cat, ofail farrow, haucgiuen themfelstes to wantonnefje, towvor&e all wanner of vncleannefewith greedineffe. Secondly, It is totall, in refpe& that both our nature is wholly corrupted, and all our a&&ions peruerted by it : for touching our nature,it is not only decaycd,and in part hurt and wounded by the fall of Adam , but vtterly dead in finne:neyther doe we finne by cu(Iomc and imi- tation,but are borne finners by nature,which wee vfe to call Otiginall finne, that is, a naturali corruption of all our parts and powers, from our Conception, voideof all good, and inclining to all euill, vrtable to conceive and fudge aright of Heauenly things, by our owne (ircngrh and induflry, or to keepe in remembrance the things which arc taught vnto vs; bent and readie(withouc the fupernaturall worke of Gods Spirit changingvs) to tuft after, that which is euill, and to abhorre that which is good; to a diforder in all our affe ions; and la(lly,in our body, to the offering of all occafions of (inne vnto the foule,and to an executingof the things are offered,Pfal. 51.7. I war borne in iniquitie, and in finne hash my Mother conceived me. Efay45.zS. Atranfgreflorfrom theWem&e, from the very time thou wail fir(i conceiued and borne, art thoucalled. This is the eflateof all men in themfelues, even of the bell, as the Apoille teacheth,Ephef.2.3. we (eucu we the Iews,with whom the Promifes were made, d Gal.2.15. and not A (inners of the Gentile's, as hee Ipeaketh in ago_ thenplace, that is fuck as can doe nothing elfe but finne, being aliens from the Couenant yet) euen we were by na- ture the Childrenof ivrath;as are al jóother vraen,anddead in e Ver¡es 5. tre§finflisand infinnes, as hee faid e a little before, Ephef. crl.a.r3, 4.14. hee fheweth the fumme of the Gofpell to be no- thing