Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P.I7 . ofthefall of Man. forth frasit toDeath : which fruits hee fetteth downe,Titus 3.3. For earnwee allô werefooli/b, difobedient, Prating lu.ft: anddiuer,t kindsofpleafiirei,leadingourlife in malicioufne f and ensile , hatedand hatingone another. And how can it otherwife bee chofen , but that all our fruits muff needs bee vnfauourie andbad,when as the whole Tree, and all the twigs and branches of it are rotten and naught ? Thirdly , and laflly it is called totali in refpeé$ of both the parts of Rightcoufneffe , Pietie, and Iuftice, whichwith all the powers of our foule and bodie, both by nature, and in all our a6iions, wee doc uothing elfe but continually tranfgre ffe.Therefore PAV L,Rotíf.i. r8. pronounceth of all men , that the wrathof God is reuealed fromHeatonvpon all itnpietie and inia:ffice ofmen, as thole that with-hold the truth (or thofe ftnall fparkes of light that God hath left them in vnrghteossfneJ s, meaning, that by reafon thereof they ruth forth vnto all vnrighte- oufneffe. And Epbef, 4.24. bee willeth our renewing to be in both thefe parts ofHolmes andduffice, as being cor- rupt inboth by nature. All men by nature arc thus alike finfull, neither loth face more answer vnto face , then one manscorruption anfwereth to another: but the fruits of firne are in tome moth aboundant : for as lace that is ficke of the Dropfie, the more hee drinkes, themere he may : fo men, by long cuflome of finning, come at the length to fuch art habit, that they are not afraid to lafh forthopenly, audaciouf_ ly, "and impudently into all cuill;caflingoff all feare of God,and reuerence ofman,as he fhamethnor to ptofeffe of himfelfe in the i Gofpel, and fo come tobee Mon.. i Lu4eI8,46.; fiers and prodigious in all kindof wickedneffe.Of thefe the Apoflle fpcaketh, Ephef..4..t9. Who calling off allgriefs, bane giueu thcrt (elue: to wantonneffe, to worke all vaclean- tseffe, euenwith greedine f . So much for their finfulneffe. Touching their miferable and cuffed eflate : albeit For then l_a R 2 the 2 3