Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

244 The,f'irfl Booke of Diuistitie, Cx AP .17 I. The wrath the wrath ofGod be fully and wholly powred forthvp_ of Godupon on all that fin, yet is it rot fo prefene ly : for being in his them. wife dome and goodneffe , pleafed to make a difference betweene Angels and Men offending,both for that their flate and cafe doth differ,and for the Elect}s fake whom he meant to take out ofthe Race of.Adam,hee purpo. fed with himfelfe not to ouer-whelrne them at once with thewaight of his lu(lice , as bee would the Angels that did tranfgreffe, but in his mercie to fpare them for a time, that fo a way might be made for his, tocome veto Repentance. This time is the whole conrfe of their life, wherein they beare not the full burden of their thine, that pre(feth downe toHell , but feele onely fome light beginningofthat heauy Iudgement, which hereafter is to ièize vpon them , if by turning vnto God , they doe not repent , and turne the fame away. Therefore the A- k/lll.z7.a6,x7. poflle k faith, that God bathmade of one blond all (Man. /ind to dwell vpon theface of the Earth, determining the oportunities of times which bee bath forefet, and the fet bounds of their habitation, that they may (eeke the Lord, if fo be by groping after hian, theymay findhim. This is the reafon,why the whole courfe of our life is 9 lohn 9,4. termed, That Day, t wherein wee muff doe good, before the night come, when none (hail be able to worke: that m G41.6. S,ro. time of rn towing , either to the fle.fh cr Spirit; the Har- uefl whereof (hall bee death or eternali Lire : for fuch as the honre of death findeth vs, fuch (hall our doome bee, n iieb.9.27, and with n Death, the irreuocable fentence commeth. None (hall rife againe,tobetter the things bee laath done in the dayes ofhis (lefh, whether they bee good or euill, NoSacrifice any more for fins e , no interctffion for the dead,no Purgatorie to make them cleane. But whofoc. uer by Cbrifis purgation are not in this life wafhed from their finnes , (hall after this life lie and rotte in their .finnes for euer. The fumme is, that albeit God in his mercie , for the. saute