Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P .17. of thefall of Man. 145 caufc before remembred , doe thus forbeare all, yet cuen during 0 this life, fuch as haue no part inChriff , that is o mint 3.a. to fay, all men in thenjfelues confsdered are indeed and truly , though not fully , occurred : for fo the Scripture fpeaketh , Hee that beleeueth not , ie already condemned. And r G o B telleth CAIN, Curfedart thole menwhilefl p Gen.q.xr. thou mowart aliuc. In this eflate T confider three things: Firfl, The guilt of finne , whereof the q Apoflle wit- 1 Rom. 39 neffeth, that alltheWorld i fubietf to the iufi puns:Avo t of God. And againe, r that all men naturally and in theme r Heb.z.4: felues confidered out ofChrifl, arefubiel vntobondage. Secondly, As before, whilefl they Rood in their ìnte- gritie, inioying thecomfort of agood confcience,they had peace and quietneffe of mincie : fo man hadno Coo- ner faine, but feare and terrour came upon him. As wee fee in Adams, Gen.3.I o. 1 heard thy voyce, andwar afraid. And as itmay be feene in all the formes ofAdam, who in refpeaof fnne, f are in a perpetuall feare of death all fHeb.s,rs, their life long.Wherefore the C Apoftle noteth it the ge- t xom,8.1s. neral condition ofall Mankind,before they be renewed, tobe poífefi'ed with thefpirit ofbondageuntofeare : The fruit whereofis, the drawing vs fromGod, and tomake vs flye from him , as from our Enemie, as Adam u fled u Gen,3.8. from the prefence ofGod, and hid himfelfe among the Trees ofthe Garden. Thirdly, The particularitiesof this curled and mile- tableeflate , which all the fonnes ofe4danz, doe welter and lye in all their life liremanifold, and of diners kinds, comprehending all the plagues and punifhments that x Deut.a8.6r. may bee thought of, written and not written : but the and z .ao. chiefe and principali ofcuery fort , as they lye in order, oppofite to-thehappie and bleffed elatebefore defcri- bed, are there that follow : Firft, The wrathofGod : for fo theHolyGhoa faith, Y Weethat beleeuetb not the Sonne, the wrath ofGod(now) y iohn3.36. R 3 abi-