Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

s46 Thefirft Booke ofDirsìnìtie, CH A r.17. So farre, that all things, not blefiìngs one- ly, buthis very graces turne to their ruine. tc t.Pet.z.'. a Luke 2.34. b Efay:8.r;. c z.Cor.2.6. d Ro. 2.4,5,egc. a. Separation from his pre- fence: e Ephef4.tS. f Epbefz.rg. g Ephefs.29. 3. Loffcof our former foue- raigntie,and confequently, ofourpower, infomuch as boththe crea- tures are be- come our ene- mies, h Job 5.2,2,,s3.. andwe flaues soSatan, abided) vpon him.But this is not the full cup of his wrath, the dregges whereof the wicked (hall drinke hereafter for that no man can indure , and hue : but qualified and mixed, that it breaketh out, yet no further then this , to turne all things to theirruine , not onely outward blef- fngs , wherein God lifteth thermvp , that bee maywith a greater force call them downe ; but euen the good 'graces of God , and gifts of his holy Spirit , which all, through their owne fault , worke vnto their euill, Chrill is to them a Rocke Z of offence, and fet a for a (fumbling blocke ; all b the wholefome in(Iru6tions which bee vfeth , his chaflifements and correRions to reclayrne them , by their wickedneffe are to make them fall to bee fnared and intrapped ; the e Gofpell is a fauour of death vnto deathvnto them; the d bountieand long fuffering of God ferueth to the hardening of their vnrepentant heart. And this is contrarie to that loue, wherewith Godbefore imbraced man : Secondly, Separation from the fellowfhipof God, as Adamwas canout of Paradife, theviable teflimonieof his pretence. In regard whereof, the Apofile e faith, wee are ofrangedfrom the lifeofGod , are f' rangers and for- rainers, andsfarre of from him. Thirdly, Loffe of our foueraigntie,and confequently, of thepower wee had to ruleand to command : 1n fo much as the Creatures that before were Cubic& tovs, fhaking off theyoke of their obedience , are , through e/fdams fall, armed to our deflrueEon : the wilde beafls of the field ready to deuoure vs, and all the creatures to rife vp again(}vs. Wherefore the hHoly Ghoft noteth it a fruit of our reconciliation unto God , Not to bee a- fraidof thehearts ofthe earth,but tobee in league with the ftones ofthefield andto bane the beaftts ofthefield inpeace, as being otherwifeat warre and at defiance with vs. More then that a thing moll oppofite to our for. mer foueraigntie anddominion, Satan himfelfe,the meR vlicR