Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P.17. of thefall of Man. 247 vile(I and moil bafeil of Gods Creatures, and the fame our vttcr Enemie, is become our Lord and Mailer, info. much as hee ruleth and raigneth ouer vs after his owne pleafure , haleth and pulleth vs which way it pleafeth him, and holdeth vs fafl bound , as it were in chaînes , to doe his will , being therefore called , The i God of this World , that blinded) the minder of the vnfaithfull; the Princekof this World, the l f#irit that worketh efeEhuall7 in she children of difobedience , in mwhofefnares wee are, And holdencaptiues ofhim. Whereupon the Apoflle faith, that by the miniflerie of theGofpell ,Wee n aredelivered ant ofthepower anddarkne e , and freed O by Chrifl,frons thebondage, which through feare of deathwee were all our hfefibietb to. And hereofit followeth , that the Repro- bite hauing , betide the finfulneffe of their nature, the Deuill,bywhole fwindge and fway they are wholly led, fo readie to kindle the coles , and to blow the fire of their owne corruption, can doe nothing elfe but Einne. Fourthly , A heape and multitude of all manner of cuill, and calamities of all forts , which the Holy Ghofl P Deut.z8. doth reckon vp as fruits of finne ; firfl,inbo- dy to bee q fmitten before the enemies , = captiuitie and feruingof theenemie in famine, and in thirfl, and in na- kednefi'e, and want of all things, and in f great difgrace, and to be t difperfed and fcattered into the furthefl parts of the earth. In mind , a u trembling and heauie heart. In themorning to fay, I would it were euening. To bee = fmitten withmadneffe , and withblindneffe, andwith aflonifhment , that they (hall grope at nooneday, as a blind man gropeth in darkneffe. Then, foraine inour pofíeions : firfl, wife and chub_ dren, and then, in our goods : A q wife (hall be efpoufed, and another (hall lye with her ; fonnes Z and daughters giuen vnto a firange people , and goe a into captiuitie. Touching goods in the Land,firfl,and the fruits thereof: to b build ahoufe,and another to dwell in it; to plant R 4 the i z.Cor.4.4. k John 12.31. and tS.zz. 1 Epbera.a. m s.Tim.s.zf. n Col. r.i3. o Heb.z,x5, 4. All kind of calamities. p Deut.zL. q Verfez5. 25i48. f 5o. t 64. u 65,66,67. x z8,z9, Y ;o. z3z. a 41. bao.