Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

248 C 23. d 38. C 39. f42. g 4o. lb 17. i 18. k 29,33- I 3T. m 48. n 44 o 43. p 44. 9 37. r ao. Ignorance. Shame. fGen.2,2 S. compareefzvit4 Gen.37. : Gen.3.19. Thefirfi Booke of'Diuis:itie, CH A P.17. the Vineyard , and another to gate the fruit ; the c Hea- uens tobe braffe , that no rayne (hall fall , and thereby the Land to be Iron , that no fruit (hall grow ; the feed d that (hall fowe the ground, to be confirmed by the Lo- cua ; the c Wineyard by the Worme ; all the f Trees and Fruits of theEarth,by the Caterpiller ; the a Oliue Tree to cal/ her Oliues.In goods: the hbasket, & the Dough, the i increafeoftheKine, and the flocke of theSheepe to be accurfed ; that which k one bath , to bee taken from him by Rapineand Fraud ; his 1 Oxe tobe flayne before his eyes, and henot gate of it ; his A fe takenaway, and come no more to him ; his Sheepe to bee giuen to his Enemies, and none tokeepe him from this violence : And thus, for In outward fuflenance , to beebrought to extreme penurie and want of all things; that nhcemu(i be driuen to borrow, and not able to lend. In cuate and honour, the o Stranger amongft them to climbe aloft, high ,high ,and they to come dome ,love,lowe,the P Stranger tobee the head, and they the tayle. In ones name, tame and eflimation to be a q taunt, a by-word and a Prouerbe vnto all people , and to get r (hame and rebuke in whatfoeuer they fet their hand vnto. Particu- larly, ofthis kind are, Firfl , Ignorance, lofing all that excellencieofWife- dome, Knowledge, andVnderflanding, that was in eel- darms,and in (lead thereof, a putting on a contrarie habite ofblindneffe anderrour; a m anifell fruit of firne, and fo noted, Detat.28.28. Secondly, Shame , comming from that nakedneffe whereby wee are flripped of all the ornaments of our Glorie, forthat by l nne , fhame entred into the World, it is plaine,in that f before, c,,idam and his Wife were naked, and yet not afhamed. Thirdly , All kindeof paine, weaknef e, and infirmi tic; the C woman in forrow toconceiue and beare; the man in the fvveat of his browes , to cite his bread gaine,