Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C H A P.17. of the fall ofMan. Againe, % hunger, thirfi, wearinefì:e, (ores itches, Tick_ nef e, &c. And that thefe and fuch like are the fruits of finne, appeareth alto by the warning our Sauiour game to him that he had healed of his fickncffe, loon5.I.i.13e- hold, thou art made whole,finne no more, leFt a worfe thing come'nto thee. Therefore, Mat. 9. 2. when bee was to heale theman ficke of the pal(ïe, he Paid vnto him, Toof good comfort, f nne, thyfiunesareforgiuen thee. Fourthly, Death, the feparationof the foule an die. So the Apofile telleth vs, Rom. 5.12. Throaagh J Imo came into theWorld : whichbodily death is a part of that death threatned at the firfî, gen. 2.17. What day thou eatefi of it , thou /halt dye. And this is , as it were the laft andvttermofi period ofall our former miferies,inwhich one they all are comprehended : for in death our fhame, weakneffe, and difhonour is mofi apparant, as the Apo- file faith, r.Cor.15.42,43. that our bodie is fowne, that is, buried and committed to the ground , incorrnption, in difhonour, and in weakeneffe. And of this nature is a 7 miferable change like to death, which 'hall befall them that are aliue in the lat- ter Day. But in all this , God bath beetle pleatedto vfe a tem. per ,leauing flit' fore reliques of our dignitie and firfi condition. That part indeed of his image, which fian- deth in righteoufneffe and true holineffe , is quite and cleane abolifhed, that not fo much as any flips or frag_ meats doe remayne ; the z Apofile bearing witneflë, that wee arebornedead infinne: but the Image of Go D fiandeth alto in the excellencie of man, aboue other Creatures ; ofwhich dignitieor excellencie , but not of Holineffe or Intaocencie, fore reliques wee carrie yet about vs, And they ,are, firit , in the mindeor bodie alone , and Yet in all this , Come reliques of former dignitie doe' remayne,na nainde. z Epltefs.r. by 240 Infiomitie, Sickneflè. x Dcut.28.zr, 7,1,27,35. Iehouah,jhaf malle the fence cleaueve- to thee,vntillhe hath confrsmed thee. lehouah Pall finite thee with aconfum- ption, and with the Feuer, and with a hot bur- ning Ague and with a f ruent heate. Iehouala ,all fmite thee with the Botch efEgypt,& with the Ernerods,and with the Scabs, and with the Itch. Iehouah 'hall finite tbee in the knees,and in the thighes, with a fore Botcb, that thou cant not be hea- led., ewers fern the file of thy foot,vnto the topof thyhead. andin the end Death, which is the repara- tionof foule, andbodie. y,51. .Thef.4.15,16, rely , in the