Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

250 thefrrfi BookeofDiuinitie, CH A P.17. by themfelues confidered, then in the whole man : In the minde. Common Firm, Common principles of good and mill , which principles of the a Apoflle calleth Truth , that is , forne feed of the e- goadand mill, ternall Troth both for knowledge of God and of our that light of duties to our brethren , as that there is one God and of 4 , nature) that the fameGod is tobe ferued ; that hee rewardeth a Retn.r.18. ihofe that keepe his Law , and punifheth the tranfgref fors'; that men61ufl reuerence their Superiours, and not harme their Neighbours , nor doe iniurieOne vnto ano- ther. Anti from this light that euery one carryethabout him, and is borne and bred-together with him, corn- meth the Law 'òf nature ,that nature which now wee hate fince the fall ofAdam: therefore,lohn is laid, that euery man commning into the World , is lightened therewithall. And this ferueth notably for the colleaion aad ga- theringof his Churchout of the wickedWorld : for if all common honefile, all feeds of comelineffe and venue were utterlyextinguifhed and put out,how could either the Church bee gathered at all , or preferued, or kept, when it is once gathered ? andCome feeds Secondly, A confcience when we doe amiffe, whereof of confcience , naturally fome feeds are left in euery one , the better to reprefîe the vnbrideled courfe of our affeáThons, howfo- euer ferric flruggle to {hake them off, Rom. 2.1 s. their confcience accufngor excuing. which not- Now , this light of Nature and (cedes of confcience witbftanding left inman, are good and holy things in themfelues, and are wholly fin- of their ovine nature , but in vs vtterly corrupt and full, naught : All whofeparts and powers are wholly tainted a Titus .t5. and defiled with finne ; that truly the a Apoflle faith, Both our mindeand confcience is defiled : and doe but Therefore they ferue not at all to iuflifte vs, as though ferue p rtly to keepe men from breakingforth, without all fhaa;e or regard of honeftie, partly to make themvnexcuCable. . by