Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP.I7. Of the fallofMan. 2 by our owne Wifedome, Reafon,Will, Delire, or Affe- &ions, wee were able to doe or to indeuour that that is good, but partly to keepemen from breakingout,with- óut flume, veto an ouer-bold and audacious defianceof all godlineffe and honefty,partly to make vs inexcufable in the fight ofGod, Roma .20. For firft , thofe feedes of Truth and Light , which wee haueof God , are fo farre from beingour guide to leade vs vetoHeauen, the fame being theproper officeof Chrift , who b i.r theWay , the Troth, andthe Life , as contrariwife they conuince vs e- uerymothers childe , both of impietie to God-, and in- iuftice to men ; in that wee Phew not forth the power thereof in our hues, but ref}raine and kgepe it backe vn- iuffly, to doe quite the contrarie: Informach, as men na- turally knowing c God, both his eternallPower and God- head,yet they glorifie him not as God but suavevaine in their reafonings and difjii tes , and rufh forth into all vn- righteoufnefhe againíl men , as the Apofile there at large declared). And the like may be laid ofthe confcienceal. fo,that it tendethonely vnto this,to take away all excufe from vs, Rom. 2. 15. Soas our Delire , Will, Affe6tions, retayne nownopart of our former confcience , but are whollybrutifh , fenfuall , and flauesvnto finne, as wee heardbefore : Not that hereby wee takeaway all free- domeofwill from man, but we teach,that the fame bath place onely in the naturali inclinations common to all lining Creatures,which naturally feeke their own good, life, nourifhment,maintenaace , preferuation, propaga- tion, &c. or in theoutward a6ions of this life, for mat. ter ofmanners, gouernment of Houles, Families, Com- mon-wealth, Cities, &c. but not to doe the things that are good and pleating vetoGod. The reliques of our former dignitie that yet remayne in the bodie , are c Maieftie and cornelinefie of perfon, which bring rnen many times into a loue and admira- tionofvs. b c Rom.r.i',t®,. In the bodíe a kind of maie -- flie . c Gen9.6.