Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

252 Theftrf Booke ofDiuinitie, CH A P.17. d Gen.9.a. In the whole man, a certain foueraigntic, that keepeth in awe the brute crea- tures. The creature here ( through the fall of man)receiucth an impaire of his firft perfc- ¿ion c 1tum.8.2o. In the whole cl man there is a certaine foueraign- tie, that keepeth in awe the brute Creatures , info- much as many fauage beaus , that farre excel! man in firength, doe willingly yeeld themfelues to bee tamed of him. Lallly, Thepunifbment ofmans tranfgreflion refleth not inman alone, it is of a more large extent , and rea- ched.), for mans fake, to the other creatures : for as they were for his feruice and command made in all excellen- cie ofperfe%liori : So by the fall of e. 4dam hce bath not onely vndone himfelfe and his pofleritie , but euen the brutebeaus and all the dumbe creatures are impayred by it , and grone under that irnpayre : for foGod pro- nobrnceth, Gen. 3.17. Curfedbe the earthfor thyfake. And againe, Verfe a 8. Brambles andBryers /hall it bring forth veto thee. And the Apoffle, Roan. 8.22. The whole Crea- tion (that is, all the things created )grone and trauaile to- gether, veto this prefent time. And that , he calleth there vanitie,or a vanifhing and a flitting elate (tibial co cor- ruption and decay, they hauing a part in the punifhment ofman,toagricue his curfe,and to make it morc.appeare how fearefull his tranfgreflîon was , whereof all the Creatures, and the whole frame of theCreation doth feele the fmart , as e Paul faith , Theyare fubieíl veto va- nitie for him thatfubdued them, that is , to obey the Cre= ators pleafure , who bycalling them into this vanitie, would leave it teflified , howmuch bee is offended with man,for whole good he had created than in a farce more excellent condition. This \i\ bich you haue heard , is that miferabl.e and wretched elate ,which Caine bath drawne vpon all the fonnes of eßdam, , fo long as they hue in this World. That whichwe call full curfedneffe, is a forer and a more grieuous punifhment, the full cup of Gods beanie indig- nation , infupportable of all his Creatures : No Angell, no man , not all the Angels or menof the World able to ?and So much of that which is in part. The fuineflc ofthe curie after death, is dam- nation with the Deuill and his angels..