Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P. V. of thefill of Mis. before it or to indure the leaf+ brunt of it : but forceth miferable man, vpon whom it lighteth,downe into hell, that horrible place ofdarkneffe, where they indware euer- 'ailing torments with the Deuill and his angels; fuch as no tongue can expreffe or utter : And therefore it is cal. led, The f deffruCiienof the creature , The fecond s death, f a°rbefr.9. b daxenation : and there is Paid to bee i weeping and tray- zr euel.z.6. ling,andgnafbi ,g of teeth : for firfl, they are feparate and h r,cor.rr. ;z; quite cut off from the gracious prefence of God. Pre- i Math. za.r3ò lent indeed they find and feele him by experience ; but e'a a5.30. that pretence feparated from his fauour, is an increafe of their feat e and horrour : nor onely fo, but the wrath of God fentibly purfiiing them , giueth no reti vnto their foules, but as a Worme biteth and gnaweth on them continually ; the fearefulnefle of which torment what heart is able to conceiue ? But togiuc forne glimpfe ofit, the Scriptures viz diners names, The k Wormy that neater k alark9.43, elyetb, Hell fire, Vssguencheable fire, The 1 burning Lake. 44,45,46,47. Therefore,wretched and fearcfull is their condition, yea, i thrice miferable are they , and happie it had beene for aO °r,r4, them if neuer they hadbeetle borne , as alto our m Sa- as Matt. 24z4; ationr Chrifl Both fay. Two circurnflances there are, whereby there torments infuppertable in thetnfelucs, are made yet more grie- uous. Pir1 , By theplace Hell, where they are kept fa{l: bound inChaiites and Fetters of darkneffc,_ In regard °whereof, it is calledOuter n Darkçneffe. n Matt,zi,t 3. Secondly,By the eteruitie of the puniíhment,., being &2..30 euerlafiing, without all hopeof ranforne : no flrong nor ° zYlarr.iR.t3> niightieman to be looked for, that rna breake this Pri- Z'rhe''9° Dan°i9 fon and let the Prifoners loofa no end of ^ .z putzar}?rerac, nor hope of any end ; alwayesdyin ,and neuer feeingan end of death; Their P Warneneuer dietb, their Fire ne- P1EJ 66 vier goeth out ; they find not fo tnuch as one 4 drop of 46,4$ 9.444s9 coin a,titer at any time to quench. their thief+. A pineo- q Luke 16°2.4. Cher