Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

254 T'dte frfl Bo®ke of Diuiiaitie, CHAP .1t 7. therwifenot fo grieuous, if it haue no intermiífion , nor hope of any cafe , is worfe then a thoufand deaths. O howmuchmore then doth this exceed which with the firft waight thereof breaking the verse bones,and all the Veines and Sianewes of their heart , muft needs in the euerlafiug continuance of it infinitelybe increafed. The finfulneffe annexed to this eltate , is hatred of God, finali defperation,and the full height and top of all iniquitie, as in the datnnedfpitits we faw before. in routepre- Further, to this cUate three things are proper fently,tillthe Firf, it lightethvpon men, one by one, prefently of latterDay. to death. So bath the wifedome of God ordained, that when the courfe of this life is rumie out , Iudgement fihould then beginne upon the foules, both of the Ele& and Reprobate , prefentlydeparting into their place of , byor of torment : a thirdplace there is not any.So faith. e I.Pet.2.t9. Pder tof thewicked,difobedient in the timeofNr o That their_Pitt Art iss Prifon;chàined with the Fetters of darknetre. And the Rich man, as foorwe as bee dyed, was to lake 16,zá. cart into Hal : for (being in Hell) faithour u Sauiour Chrift , in torments he faW, AB RAH A M 4 farro off, and LAZARV$ tnhubcfome. For men, in this molt excellent part of theirs , perifh not like bruit beaffs, as the Sadduces ()fold, and now- adayes the Libertines doe teach ; neither doth their foule vanifh in the Ayre, or Sadduces, and dye with the bodie , till the time of the Libertines, refloring of ail things , which is contrarie to theproper- tie'of that fpirituall7nature , but it frill liueth and conti- nueth either inpaine or comfort ullatth.I0.28. Benot afraidof them that kill the bodie , 6ut are not able to kill the forale. Secondly, their foule onely feeleth this heauie tor- ment,their bodies refiing in the graue,till the time of the diffolution of all things. Thirdly, The condition that men alío inufr vnAe to fand