Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P.I7. of thefill of man. z55: in the end,is the whole cxtremitie and fulneffe ofGods° wrath to feize then vpon them , many degrees heauicr, then thepsnifhthent they felt before : that Iudgenseiat going before the great and folemne Day, wherein all fieíh is to bee prefented before the fudge of all the World,as it were a pettie Seffions before the. grand Afi- fes.WhercforetheApofile calleth the 'aft Day,in refpe6} of the wicked, x ADay ofifrath,becaufe then Godwill tread out the full Wine-preffe ofhisWrath: and ' `Peter by excellencie,ADal of lodgement,vchereto the wicked are referued to be punifhed. And againe, e4 DI of lodgement and defiruatiion ofvngedly men. For to this purpofe will God rayfe vp their bodies in the latter Day, that fo their bodyand foule, which haue both finned together, may be both together punifhed whereof they (hall then receiue their fentence and taff doome, with execution accordingly. But of thefe two Do&rines,theRefurreElion and the lafl Iudgcmewt, wee (hall haue iufl caufe to fpeake more fully and at large hereafter. Ä aiferable change,t6 fiichmen as then are liuing,thall be in (leadof a death,and rifing from it. Thecreature alfo,tomake the Curie ofMan the grea- ter, is then fubieei to an ytter abolition, hauing in the meane time their being and continuance for the EleEts fake, as the a Apoflle `Peter teacheth,when to the wic- ked Scorners, that make a Locke of the Comming of Chrifl, and of the end of the World ; for that all things continue hitherto, as they were from the Creation ; hee oppofeth the patience ofGod, deferring the fate be- eaufe of theE1c&} r for who e. fake hee holdeth yp the World, till their number bee fulfilled, that none of his might perifh. And fo,that faying ofSalorrao,s,Prote. io.a 5 maynot vnfitly be interpreted, howfoeuer another fence feruethvery vvell,That the infi wan as thefortndation ofthe world 4 yet true it is, the Creature £hall not at the lea Day 1tom.s.f.. a.Pet. 2.9. z 2.Pet.3.7, Amiferable change,to filch men as then are liuing,fhal be in fteadofa death, and ri- Ling from it. The creature is then alto fob» led to anvttma abolition. a 3.Pet.3.9,