Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

268 ThefecondBooke of Dittinitie, b Eph.ef.x.r3: c Xom.E.3. Gal.<.zt. d Rom.3.2.o. G,al.Z.c i. e áañAoY., CHAP.I. nomeanes by any thingwe can doe , to attainevnto fal- uation? Noverily,there is not any:for b we areborne dead infnnes,, and are bynature the children of wrath accurfed euery mothers fonne,and vnable of cur felues,or by our owne tirength toget out of that curfelt is true,the Law or Couenant ofWorkes, is of fufficient povver and abi- litie in it feife to iuílifie ; for by it the holyAngels that kept their firft eítt;te are iufiihed in the fight of God, and byit our Sauiouraria was iuílified : and fo should eXciam and all .hi..potieritichauc been;, if; they had continued in theobediencethcreof :births ref ofour weakneile, who are not able to perlgrme it, it is now become `impo[üble for the Latwto fate vs. Wherefore the d Scripture euerywhere proclayreth as a thing eui- dent e and cleere, that by the Law nomania iratifiedbe- fore God: for, faith the Apó`ile,:Gal.3.1y, 18. The Law which wasfoure hundredand thin teyeeres after, cannot dif swill the Cotenant that Was confirmed afore of God , in re. Jpec`l-of Chrifl, that it fhould make theprotnife of nene e ffed, The meaning is, 4órathamsfoure_hundred thirticyeeres, before the giuingof the Law; cvas iutlified by Faith in the promife or coucnatai ofGrate,`which could not bee made void by the Law comming fo long after; as it mut+, if the Law should To v hat vie tl:eñ doth it ferne for vs that are fallen ? It icrueth fora threefold vie: Firíi;To' tilew'atlddifeouerfinne, Rom, 3. zo, There- fdre by the worker °phiLai no fiefh (hall be *lifted inhis. fight :for by the Law the knowledge of finne,Ron'ì. 7.7. 1 badnot knowne finnebut by the Law ; for ;men lull t badnot kncwne , if the Law hadnot Paid , Thou (halt. not eft. Secondly Throug1 .corruption of our nature, Aho are iharpefl let to doe things forbidden, to increafe and, ¡linevp finne withinvs, Rom.7.8,9,1 o, I a . Butfinne to- king o.cca ¡ton by that Commandement,wrontght inme all1ujl : for