Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP. r. of crrif. 269 ' for without the Lawfane war dead , but 1 lin7d without the Law once : But when that Commandement came, and was truely vnderfiood of me, faune reuiued , and I dyed And the Commandement which wad for life , tram;`oal'nd to mate to teevnto death: for finne taking occafm by that Commien. dement, dcceiated me, and thereby flue me. Thirdly , By pronouncing againfl vs the iudgement and condemnation f dueveto finne; to driue vs to feeke Rightcoufiieffe,and thereby Saluation in another,that is to lay,in Chrift, For Chrifi is the endofthe Law for Righ- teoufneffe to eatery one that beleeueth,Rom:,'0.4. So, g The Lawfhutteth allmenunder finne, not that they fhould pe- rifli, but that the promifebyFaith in 1efte Chrif, might be giawen to thofe that beleease. And thus are Iti ee led by the hand to the fecond part ofthismole holy Do6frine, the Doctriiye concerning Chrif},aid theioyfull andglad ty- dings of Saltation in and throughhim. In ipeaking of Chrifl, we are tohandle bothhis Per- fon and his Office.And firfl,hisPerlon: In regard where- of, the Scripture giueth him theName of h lnamanuel, Godwith vs, or God-man : The true lehouah, Cocflen- tiall and CotabP antiall with the Father and the holy Spirit : true man, ofourvery nature and fubftance. Wherefore in his Perfon are to be confidercd., Pirft, The two diffinc1 natures. Secondly, The vnionofthem into one Chrifi. The twodifliné Natures, Sanofetanusheld,thatChrift are his Deitie, and Humani- was not -before hee Cooke flefh. tie his God-head or Divine Patropaß ans held, that the Nature, beingnot the Perlon Father tooke flefh and fuf- of the Father (who was not ferP& incarnate) nor of the Holy Ghof};but of the Sonne; as it is confefied by all; (as ma- i y as admit the difein&ion of Perlons) and euident by the Scripture, Gä1.4.4. When the fulreffeoftime came,God feat damne bis Sonne made ofa Jfioman, &c.Iohn 3.1G,tiod S 2 f f Rom.3.g, g,23, 24. Immanuel. (God with vs) is in one per- fon, h 41-ay 7.14 Matth.i.t3. the Sonne of God.