Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

_.7_._141- 27o The fecondBookc of Diuinitie, Cn A P. I. fo lofted t he World,that hegaue hir onely begotten Sonneh&c. This is alto the confeflion of PETER , Math. i6. r 6. Thouart the Sonne of the Lining God , and infiniteother places. Whatfocuer therefore is difputed before , con- cerning the God-head of the sonne , and his eternal( Deitie, falleth into this man Chrifl Jefus. And this nature doth of it felfe make a Perron fup- porting and holdingvp the Manhood,that NA'holly is and fubfrfieth in the Perron of the God -head. Wherefore that which is faid,John 1.14. The Wordbecame flefh, is expounded , He6.2.16. to be , by taking it tohis God- head, therein to haue the being and fubh Ince, and of the fame tobe fupported: andholden vp forctier. and very Man> The other nature is his Hu- manitie , in that bee was -per a/arcian and valent-nus t ughr, that Chrifc Cooke feet Man , of- the 'Very firth of his Body ftoin hcauen,and ,Mary. So wetreade, Rens.i.3. palled thorow the Virgin, Made of the Seed of DA v I D a s water thorow a Pipe, or according to theflefh : that is , his that he Cooke it out of the Aire ; and fo denyed, the humane nature: and Heb.2.i6. truth ofhis humane nature. He to eke not tá:Ch`s God-head) the nature of -Angels , but the Seelig of ABRAHAM. Againe, Gal, 4:- 4. he is laid to be madeofa Woman : the Prepofition (of) noting her very fubfiance and fleia. And this is it that was prophecied long before, that 1 Gen. 3.t r. i the feedeoftheWongn fhould tread downe the bradof the k Ppd. 132,. Ir. Serpent. And that k of the fruit of D A v I D s Layne:, Aís z. 30. God would raife vp Chrifl, wt touching the flefh. Wherefore to Make this ilitx`ctilanifeil,he is-called Shilo,that is,the After-birth of I v D A, Gen.49. ro. and is raid, to haue o- pened the Virgins wembe, Luke 2.23. Hee was there- fore made ofthe Seedof'Dauid, and as a Plant of thé Foote of lefe, a perfc&man, confifiing (as all other men doe) ofa body and foule, indued vs ith the faculties of Vnder(landing and Will. That he had a bodie, it is plaine, -el body 'bombe fitted forme. That it was