Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CxAF'. I. ofChri. was a truebody,flefh and bones, appeareth,Lerke 24.39 cuen after his Rfu.r C'tiofl.S6e niehands andmy feet:for it is Imyfelfe, handle mee andfee :for a Spirit bath not f efZ and bones, as yee beholdmee to haus. . Of his Soule 1 the Holy Ghof} faith His Soule mas heauuie veto death. And hehimfelfe, Father, m into thy hands I commit my Spirit. and when beehad[aid fo , bee dyed. Now this could not poffibly fall into the God-head , wvhich is not fubie& to any paifion, vas not, nor could not bec feuered from thebody, feeing'it is eucry-where. Therefore it mud needs bee meant of that part of mans nattire, v\ hichproperly wee terme the foule. According whereunto bee attribu- tethvino hirnfelfe a NA il, and that diflin& from the will of his Father, Not n as 'will, but as thou wilt, So hee is faid tohaue an Vnderilanding, Lake 2.47. They maruailedat bis anfwers, andat hit vnderflanding. And inboth thefe parts was hee fubie& too all hu- mane frailties and imperfeá} ions, without finne ; In his body to P hunger, q fleepe, r wearinetfe, f wringing, piercing, wounding, and death it fclfe ; u growing in height and f}azure as other mens bodies grow; fi- nite,and circumfcribed vbiqui(ls,that would haue his bo- in place ; that whenhee dy to be eucry-where. was in one, bee was not Papi(is, that wr uld baue it tobee in manyplaces at once. in another, but x re- mooned from place to place, being i taken vp, and corporally afcending in- toHeauen, from Z whence hee fhall corporally.come downeagaine. In his mind he was fubie& to ignorance of force things (but not finfull ignorance :) for he grew and increafed by degrees inWifedorne : b Hie learned S 3 obe- Apolinaris thought that Chrifl tooke a body onely, and not a foule, but that his God-head flood in Head ofa foule. Monothelites, which hold there was but one will inChrifl. 1 Matth.26.38, m Luke za.46. n Matth.263 q o Heb.4.x 5'. 6 2-14. p Matth.4.z. q Mar.4.38. r Inhn4.6. f Mar.3.9. t tohn to.î5. & 1937,38. u Luke z, 5z, x lohn zo.r9. y Mark:x6. 19. AEts r.9. Luke z Matt.z5.3x Atïs a 1uJ¿e 25z. b Hrb.5.8.