Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

272 The fecortal Booke ofDi:tinitie, C H A r. I. c Alenk,tt.13. d Maki, z. c 7chn 11.4,3; f Heb.5.7. g .7,ark.3 . . h Iflatt.9.36. & i lohn 11.1 s. k Ala7 k.1o.14. I lohn 11.33. rn A'latth.ß. i o. ASark.6.6. n 101)4 11.17. o ,24att.2.6.37. p IA.33. Colic tinedof a VirL;in, Matth.I. z3. r IfaY7.14. f htZ538h ?;ctFv4Y5. t P;0,3005. u obedience by the things be fufered ;' yea, of fome things hee had no knowledge at all, as it may probablyga- thered out of ÌLLir.a r.he had not: e of the Fig trce,whe- thcr it had any fruit or no : of the day and houre of lud gernent : inhis foule he was fubiea to all kind ófrsa- tur l paffions, e not finfull : loue, f feare, g griefe, an- ger, h pittie, i ioy , k indignation , I trouble of heart, n wonderin, n perplexitie, ° heauineffe, P amazement. The difference of Chrif }s Hebion, Cerirthus,' 2ndo- humane nature from all other thcrsfaid, hce wasconcei- mens, f}audeth in this, that he sled by ordinarie procrea was not conceiued according Lion ofMan .nd Woman,as to the ordinarie procreationof other men arc. Man andWoman,but cf a Virgin : and therefore by the immediatepower of the holy Ghof}, not begettinghim of his owne fubfiance, asfathers doe their children,but by his Almightie Power framing and fafhioning the fanie,after a wonderfull manner miraculoutly,and with. out mans helpe, in the wombs of cary. That thee was a Virgin,the f}orie is plaine, c Matt. r. according as it was r long before prophesied : Behold, that Virgin[hall conceiateand beare 4Some. The f word in both the Tongues fignifieth one hidden and vnknowne vnto a man. And fondly doe the IewifhRabbins pre- tend the place, t Prou. 3o. to delude the truth of this Interpretation, which indeed doth confirme and giue f}rength vnto it : for whenSalomon faith, The way of 4 Mn a inau Maid : Is it not plaine, that hee fpeaketh by an fronie, meaning a Strumpet,of that brazen, fore-head and fo irnpudent,as notwi,.hilanding her filthincffe,will needs goe for as good a Maid as the bell ? Therefore he addeth in the next Verfe , Sheeeateth , and then wipeth bermotnth, faying, Ihauedone none irsiquitie: yea, this fee. meth , thoughmore obfcurely to haue beeuepointed at in that promife, The feede of the Woman 'ball`tread dewne the head of the Serpent : for inlaying, the feede of the