Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP.!. ofChriji. 273 theWoman, andnot of theMan, who in the ordinarie courfe of generation bath the firf} and chiefefi place; what canelfebee meant , but a wonderful) and Tirange conception ofa woman,without thehelpe ofman ? And ofthis interpretation, Efa) may bee the Authour , who doth not fay limply, A Virgin Ad conceine : but that Virgin; that is to fay, that Virgin, fo famously and fo long before fpokeu of to Gods people, of whom , as touching the flefh, Chrif} fhould come : whichnoother Scripture but this doth warrant. Laf+of all, theEfficient arad Worker of this fo won- derful! a conception, is exprefled,Man.1.2 .7bat which is conceived in her, ie of the hoj Ghoß. And let) you fhould take (of) here, for the materiallcaufe, which is repugnant to the diuineNature of the Spirit of God , andoucrthroweth the nue humane Nature of our Sa- uiour Chrií} ; the Angell, Like 1. 35. declareth the whole order and manner of this conception , The holy Chillhallcome Upon thee , and the powerofthe nuoß High ial1 our4adow thee. al¿eporisusdiuided the PerCon, and shade two perfuns ; one, God ; the o. ther, Man. Euticbes confounded the two na- tures, and made them but one at- tributing to the Man-hood all the properties of the God-head ; as to bee vncreated , omnipotent, euery- where &c. and to the God-head ; to be fubiell, to fuffer, and whatfoc- tier elfe belongeth to the humane Nature. by the Ho'.y Choit. Next is the vnionof who is alfa thefe two Natures Bothwhich, in the firff moment of his Con- ception , infeparably knit together, and fill remaining infubfance, propertie, and a&ion diflina one from o- ther, and each keeping his feuerall and proper qualities make one Perfon, defies Chrifi, as the foule and bodie perfonal- ly conioyned , make one man, A Myf{erieofall Myfce- ries, that a Man fhould make onePerron withGod, whom the glorious and bleffed Angels arc nor able to S 4 be-