Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

274 The recondBooke of Ditsinitie, CH A r. T. x tix fw[AaNc AdvSTat. y co/.2.9. z Rema 3.q. Ram.9.p. behold , and yet cleerly and manifeflly taught in the Scriptures, Heb.2. i 6. x For be Cookenot to anAngel-like nature, but be took! to the Seedof AB R. A H A M . This taking to, whichmua needs bee meant vnto his Goo-head, loth it not moll manifefily fhew a diflin&i- on of theNatures, not a drowningor fwallowingvp of either, again(i Entiches, and again!, a perfonall vnion of them in an vnfpeakable fort againft Neflorius ? The place to the y Celof.2.9. as it fpake before for the God. head of Chrifi : So ,itfpeaketh for the vnitie of his Na- tures. For inhim (that is, in Chrift, whombee oppofeth to tholeTraditions ofmen) dwellethall thefulneffeof the God- head bodily. Whenhe faith, In him dwelleth the God- head, bee difiinguifheth two Natures; one, the God- head dwelling; theother,theMan,in whom it dwelleth. By which phrafe ofdwelling,alfo he noteth not an abode for a time, but a perpetuall Habitation; for which caufe he vfeth the prefent time. And adding bodily, hec figni fieth, that the fame is not by communication of his power and venue (inwhich fenfe, God is faid to dwell in all his Saints ;) nor in a Sacramentall manner (as God is faid to dwell inhis Temple; ) but by a ftibfiantialI and . perfonall vnion of both Natures making one Chri(i. Therefore `Paul vnto theRomanes, fpeakingof both a- part; his Man-hood fir(i,and then his God. head, after- wards knitteth them in one Iefus Chtit+; 2 Concerning leis Sonne , made of the Seede of DAVID, according to the f ejh , mightily declared to bee the Sonneof God , as touching the Spirit of fant ification, by rrfing from the dead , euen lefus Chrifl our LArd. Againe * that Chrifa, as touching the Jief, came from the Father, being alto osier all God to bee bleed for euer. And, i. Pet.. 3. i 8. Chriff was put to death , as torching theflefh, and quickened, touching tke Spirit, To conclude , thi° was plain'.y fore-told by thePro- phet Efay ¡.14.. that heeíhoulr bee E MAN n E L, that is, God-