Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP.I. ofChrf. 275 Godwith vs.Wher,fore that offohn 1.T4.The Wordbe- came flafh, and whatfoeuer other speeches like to that, maynot be vnderflood ofa confuóon,but of an vnion of the Natures:and as the Natures themfelues are not min-. gled , no more are their properties ,. it being impoflìble that the properties of one nature fhould agree vnto the other ; for as the God-head cannot die,nomore can the. Man-hood be infinite,omnipotent,euerywhcre,&c. By reafon of the vnion of thefe Natures into one Per- fon, thefe two things follow : Fitt}, Bd./de that touching the Deitie,he is the Sonne of God by nature, (In which refpe&bee is indeedmoil: properly called theSonne ; the a Apoflle witnefling'that a Heb:7. Hee was without Father, according to his Man-hood and without Mother, according tohis God-head) he is allo in his humanitie , the Sontadof God by this perfo- nall vnion, Luke 1.35. That hod One that is borne of thee, fhall be called, TheSonne ofGod. And yet for all that,there , is but one onelySonne of Gad , not two, though the fame, by reafon of this perfonall Vnion, bee in two re- fpe &s the Sonne. Secondly, Hereof it is, that bee is to bee adoredofall hisCreatures, even the holy Angels, Heb. r. Let all the Angels ofGodwarfhiphim. Phil. 2.9. ThereforeGoddidalp foexceeetmgly exalthi andgauevnto him a name aboue , all names , that at-the game-of Ief ias , euer, knee _Mould. bow, of things in Hearten, and vpon the Earth,andunder the ground. Thirdly , Hence groweth a borrowed manner- of fpeech which the. Learned inotherProfeifions call Sy- necdoche : Diuines for the mofl part The b communi b xorvwvtas cationof properties whereby fometimes that is attri- " ,Prwlawo buted to wholeChri(I, which agreeth to him- but in re-: fpea. ofoneof his natures : As when wee fay c `'lrri fuffgyred, was crucified, dead andburied-, wee meane it of. his Man_hood_onely,not of the God-head,which could n.ot .