Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

176 The fecoxdBooke ofI)itsinitie, CHAP. r. e lohn 8.58. f g t.Tátr.3.a6. ñ r.Car.tS. i xas no,z8. It Mark 13.2,3. I Ishx 3.13. m The Lear- ;led lay, in con- weft), Rotin ab- ti rvrfte. not fixer, when he faith cf himfelfc, a Before AB R A A M mar, l,csrt; this is to bec vndertlood of his God- head. onely , not of his Man-hood which came of the Seed ofoíf6raharsz.,. Sometimes it is fpoken of fome oneNature , which agrecth to his whole Perfon , as that of the Apoflle, There f is oxe Mediator bttwaene Godand Alm, theM,cre Chriji Ïefart, meaning hee which is fo God, as hee is alto Man. Sometimes ofone nature, which fitteth not that, but the other : As when the Apotile faith , g God was taken v? in Glorie. h 1 f theyhadknowne him, they would not hate crucified the Lord of Glorie. i God bath purchafed his Church by his blond. And whenour Sauiour faith, k The Sonne bimfefe krorreth not ofthat Day ofIudgerncnt; who fecth not, that it isfpoken of Chrifl, by the Name of God , whichbelongethbut tohis Man-hood ? Againe, in f tying , 1 The Some of man which is in Heaton hee giueth tohimfelfc, as Man, that which appertayneth to the God-head. But note this phrafe of fpeech, or communication of properties, hath place in the Name of in (God) and (Man) not of the Gad-bead, and Man-head : Therefore as it is moll certaine,ogainaNeffaims, diuiding the Per- fon,that theMan Chrill was God d therefore eternall (not inhis Man-hcod,but in hisGod-head) that Chriíi: God was altoMan; and therefore crucified, taken zip ixte I-leateex, &c. not in his God- hcad,but in his Manhood : So it is moa wicked and blafphcmous to fay, that the Man-hoodof Chrill is his God-head,encreated, omni- potent, eucry-whcrc , &c. or that his God-head is his Man-hoed, fubie& to fuller, &c. as Eutichts did, con- founding the natures. Thus farce of thePerfon of Chrif}, who it was necet. facie fhould indeed be Man. Fitfl, That God might bepacified in that nature that hadoffended. Se-