Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

ofChrtf> 277 Secondly , That bee might vndergoe the punishment due to finne, which theGod-head , free from all füffe- ring, could not :-And therefore elfo it was neceffarie bee fhould haue a foule,and not his God-head Eland in ilead ofa foule :for our foules mull haue peri flied euerlafling- ly, except his foule had fuffered for them. Thirdly,That he might be a fit Interceffor for vs, ha- iling tailed of our miferies. All this the Apoflle teach- eth , Heb. 2. from the tenthVerfe , to the end of the Chapter, Petting forth moil notably the i ich and plenti- ful comfortthat we reape fromhence, bymany goodly Arguments. And, Heb. 4. t 5. hee faith, Wee haue not an High Prieft that cannot fifer together with vs in cur infir. mines, but one that was tempted enall things like veto vs. Againe, it was neceffarie he fhould be God :- Fitfl,Becaufe none but God couldreueale veto vs the will and pleafure of God : For none bath afcended into Heguen, but theSonne ifman that defcendedfrom beaten, and is inHeaueu, Iohn 3.13. that is to fay , Noman euer did, nor bynature can attayne to the true knowledge of heauenly things, but hee that is alto God , towit-, the Sonne, the eternall Wifedomeofthe Father, as Johnalf i faith, n NOmanhatbfaene Gsd at any tirme,the only begot n John I. IS.. tenSonne ofGod , which is in the be!Wise ofthe Father, that is, ofone nature and effence with him, heebath resealed birw, Neither had hee beene able to fuflayne the infinite wrathofGod due to our finnes,much leffe to ouercome it, if himfeife had beenebut a finite nature. . Yea, meete it washeelhould bee the Sonne of God : for being fo by nature, hee is able tobellow this priui. ledge on thofe that beleeu- , to bee the formes of God by adoption, Zahn t. Y 2. The vn%onof both Natures intooncPerfonwas alto aeceffaric. Firfl, That inhi-tn God and Man , wee might feeand beta.