Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

'1.18 ThefcondBooke ofDiuinitie, CHAP. i, Col.r.I p Heb.r3. r47'im.3.16. Chrif} or An oynted. behold the Father : for , fceingGod in his owne E%nce and Nature is inuifible, and no conceit can pcffibly bee framed of him:the Apoflle fheweth,that for the flaying of our faith , and that our minde and voderflanding might haue fomewhat to red vpon, we haue Chritl o the Image of the inteifrble God, the i brightneffe or refplendence of his glorie, and the ingrareen formeofhis Perfon, whom, whofoeuerfeeth,feeth theFather alfa, as he himfelfe fpea- keth, John 1.2. For the Sonne being q god hirnfelfe, the fécond Perlon inTrinitie , manifeffed in the fleth, is as a Glafle, inwhole fubflantiall and vifibleGlorie , as hee was made Man, the Father giueth ys to fee, and almoll to grope and feele his owne infinite Maieftie and Loue that cannot bee comprehended ; without whom if wee looke vponGod , v, ee fee indeed fome (mall fparkes of Glorie to terrifie and amaze vs; butinChritl God and Man , wee behold the liuely and expreffe face of God, not anymore as a fearefuil and terrible Iudge,toaffright vs, but as a moll graCious and louingFather, to comfort and refrefh vs. Secondly, That thereby the obedience of Chritl per- formed intheMan-hood, might be ofinfinite merit , as being the obedience ofGod himfelfe, 2.Cor.5. I2. Him that k,nezi, notfsnne,he made to hefinnefor vs, that we might be made the righteossfne fJ"e ofClod inhim,. After the Perlon of Chritl followcth his Office of Mediation, to fet vs at one withGod , whereof the A- poílle fpeaketh , t.Tim. 2. ç. There it one Mediator be- tweeneGodand Men, the ManChritl !elms. In this office of Mediation, three things maybe con- fidered., Fitti The perfons both of theMediator andofthole for whommediation is made. Secondly , The point and propertie of the office of 'Mediation. Thirdly The mcanes to cffea The