Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C IT a r. I. ofChrif. 279 The Mediator is Chritt , the Sonne of God , whom his Father in his infinite Wifdome,Goodrtef e, and Mer. cie, prouiding a meares , when there tvas no other imams. left in Heauen or vpon the Earth to faue vs, fens downe his owne Soute in the likeneffe of finfull flefh,to faue all Beleeuers : whereupon it is not onclyPaid, that Chrift died , but that hee was r deliucred vp to death for vs : the exceeding meafure of whole Mercie and Loue in this behalfe, is commended in the Scripture by two circurnftanres ; one is, The giuingofhis Sonne, his onely Sonne, his beloued Sonne , for our Redemption. f In this,faith the Apoile,was the loue ofGodmanifeffed towards vs,tbat he loathfear his only begotten Sonne into the World, that weJhould lime by hires. And our Sauiour Chritt in t I o xN , Godfo lorded the World, that he gamehù onely begotten Sonne, that whofeeuer beleeuab in him; (honld not periJh, but hasee:derlaTing life. The fécond, is the timeof this giuing of his Sonne for vs,euen then,whcn we were his enemies. This the fame Apofle ióÿrteth Nvith the former: « Flereiss is lole,not that we lmared`Gëd, but that he lowedvs,andPent hisSonne a Pro. pitiationfor ourfrrnes. But aloft notably doth Paul veto theRoma*/ inlarge this circumltance: x For Chrifl, when yet wee were of no f rength,inhis time diedfor the vngodly.Feriyfora ridhttem than one wouldfcarce die : peradnenteirefor a man that loath beene benefaciall andgood vetohire, faneman would indure todie. But Godconrnendeth his loue to vs that when wewere yet Sinners , Chri51 died for w : for if being enemies wee were reconciled to God through the death of his Sonne,how vouch more beingreconciled, fhall we be Based ? Wherefore he thruft not himfclfe into this office of Meci.ition, but had the warrant of a lawful] calling for it : for Y l.im1 (as bee fpeakethof l:i.rifelfe) hath God the Father foaled,' And the Apoltle to the Ffebrewes , No man t:t&,eth this hotiou` t o himfelfe , but hee that is Gelled of God cu spas: AA- r Rout.4, 25,6' 8.p. f iJoin; 4.9. t lobn3.a6q- u Job:g.sQ;. x Rorn.5:67p8, 9, lo. Called of his Father, y Io;m 6..27, z Heb f.ea5,6;