Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

280 Ier.3o.31. b 11eb4.4.- C FP1.q5.4^ Heb.t.9 J Pro.S.l Z. c lohn Thefecond Booke ofDifeirlitie, CH A P..I, AARON. So alfo Chrif; didnot take this Honour to him- felfe, tobecome a High `.Prier, but he thatfpake veto hirn, Thouart my Sonne, this day hams I begotten thee óatae it hire._.; its alfi) in anotherplace heefaith,Thouart aNailfor suer, after the order of ME L C H I S E D E C H, for this caufe hee is called anApo/]le, Heb.3.i. and the Angell of the Couenant, Malach.3. I. AndNicodemus thoughLee knew himnot aight, acknowledgeth that heWas a Tea- cher,comefromGod, Iohn 3. for Low elfemight any man prefurne to fet his hand unto fo great a worke ? There- fore the Prophet faith ,_ a His Noble'one /ra1l he of him : And I will makeh:m to approch,that he maycome neerevn, tomee : for who is beethat can pramife in his heart to draw neere witome , faith I E H o v A ? that is, (as the Apofile fpeaketh to theHebrewes) b Who can take this honour to himfelfe, but Chriff, who, is.calledofGod, and made our King and Prieft ? It flandeth (as cuery other lawful' Calling Both) on twoparts : Firf+, Gifts; and Graces neccffarie for the difcharge of his Office, ' hhch God neuer fcuereth from his Cal- lings. Secondly, A foletnne inucífingof himvnto this place. Both which concurre in Chriít , Efay 6i. The Spirit of the Lord I E H o v A is vponrne : therefore I E H o V A bath amyntedsre, topreach vnto thepoore: hehat hfens n'e, &c. 01hisG..aces the Pfalmilt faith, c .Cod bath. astoyn- ted thee with Dyle ofgladnefeabone thy fellows : for be- ing the d iifedome o f ggod, and in the e bofoane of his F :her, how can beebee without any Grace rcquilite for him that ínonld. be a Mediator ? And ncceffarie it was hee fhould thus bec calledand appointed , that wee might beeout of' doubt of Gods. acceptance of that Wbi:ch ,Chrift bath done for vs, being his owne ordinance ánei appointment, and of his good pleaft+re to fau,c vs through him : whcrettpn the Apot lc callrth