Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

Cta A . t. O fChrif. 281 'calieth hrïn fan offering and facrificc of a fi#eet finding fssour to God : without tnhich, all his fufferingshad beetle invaine. But albeit his office of Mediation in Gods appoint. went were before all Eternitie, yet a6tually it began vp- on v4darnr fall; comming after the Couenant of works, which was from the beginning, affoone as Angels-and Men were made , when as yet the purpofeof God to facevs through Christ , lay hid within himfelfe, which fitft hee reucaled inParadife affoone as Manhad fallen : The g feede of the Wonsan Jball break the bead of the Serpent. Hereupon wee finde him inuefled into the place not onely-afterhehad taken flefh, when a voyce came from Fleaucn, faying, h This ie my well_beloued Sonne,inwhom 1 am well pleaféd, but before his comming into. the World , by him that fware, i Thouart a Prieflforester, after the order of ME L C H r S E D E C H: And againe, k Thou art my Sonne,this daybegate 1 thee. In regard partly of his calling to the office of Media. tion,partly,oftheGraces that God his Father did adorn him'with, hee is namedChrift,that is to fay,Anoynted : and becaufe aifo of Gods euerlaf}ingDecree , it is fail; Plresserbs 8':e 3. He was anoynted before the World. This Office of-Mediation belongeth to whole Chrifl, not to anyone feuerall nature,in that great worke ofour Redemption; the Mac-hood being af?i(tcd of the God- head , and the God-head in an vnfpeakable Manner working by the Man-hood. So whole Chrift is called 1 The Apofllé and high Priefi of our Profef ion`; m our Peace, n our Wifedome,Righteotsfneffe, Sanatfication and Redemption, and finally, O Our Lord and p Head ofthe Church. An Office fo appropriate veto him , that there neither are, nor can be any more : the Apofile tellingvs, that hee bath a Prieahood , q which cannot paffe vino any other, but remayi,eth in himfelfe for euer,, And, ,ryas f F..thef.s,r. euer fince the fallof Adam, g Gen.3:t r. h Mattb 3, Ir. i P('al.tt0.4, fieb.5. G. k rfal, Heb.r.5. tobeaMea diator. 1 Heb.3.i, mEphef.z133 n :,Co;..t.2,9,3o o Kom.t.4. p Eph"éf.t. <o., az, q z4,