Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

182 The fecond Booke ofDiuinitie, CH A r. i. r Itlm 14.E. f John io. 7. betwcene God and Men, t zas ro 3. n 2.Cor.15.t8, 19 X aihtl.F.rf. of a Couc- r1Jn, ßí1s 4, i 2. There it no other 2'amegiuen v1 under Heel. tern, wherebywe may be famed. Therefore he proclaymcth of himlclfe, I am r the Way, 1 am r the Dgore. Touching the partiesfor whomChris} is a Mediator; this benefit is proper to Mankind : Neither the Angels that fell are redeemed by him, whole fall being w ith a highhand, prefumptuoufly and without temptation,can neuer bee repaired : and therefore our Sauiour faith , Moth. 25.41. that hell fire is preparedfor theDeuill and his angels, neither are thofe that Band , vpholden by Chrift as Mediator : for hee tooke not their feede or na- ture : wherefore thofe places, ephef, r. io. That he might gather intoone bodyad things inChrrfi, both the things in Heauen, and the things vpon theEarth. And, Colof. 2. 10. lt pleared God to reconcile through himall things tintohim. felfe,beth the things vponEart h , and the things inHeamen, are not ro be vnderltood of the Angels,but of the Saints and blcffed Spit its now dcceafed. Mediation, as the Apoíile lothdefine it, Ga1,3.20. is to let at one, parties that are at variance. Wherefore the vcrypoint and prcpertie ofChrifls Officeof Media- tor, or that wherein it flandeth, and whereunto all the parts dce tend, is the reconcilingof the world, tobring them againe into fauour withGod his Father,and to the recouerie of his former loue , as it is laid , 2. Cor.5.19. God was in Chrifi, reconciling theWorld tintohinflfe. And Rom. S.7o. When wewere enemies, we were reconciled vn t o God by thedeathof his Sonne. This was the foot of the Angels Song, Ghrie to God in the highef# Bement , on earth Peace, Goodwill towards men, Luke 2.14. It was the t fumme ofour Sauiour Chritis embaffage,Camming, he preached Peace unto vs,Ephef..2.1 .And thereupon the Golpeil is called , u TheWord or tfrtiniflcrie of reconci- liation , x The Gef/iell of Peace, ea c. The mcancs "herebybee worketh our Peace, is by rnakingof a Ccuenant betwecne God and 'Is : where- "poll