Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP. I. of ChrsJt. 183 upon he is calltd , The Mediator of the NewTe-Ha Xk nt, Hebrewes 12.24. and, The Ange&ofthe CesienaJït, iala- chic 3. la In this Couenant, lobferue tl-:e end and fruit, he fub- f}ance or foundation, the meares or the condition, and the extend of the Couenant. The end .or -fruit , is ti e fsaainc, of our foules : So the Apoflle loth exprcffe ít, 'f-reb 9.5. Therefore is Chrifl the cJ4edrotorofanew C,aten.:nt, that thrcngh deathetrnrr.:ng betweene for the redemption of the traafgr ffoya that .mere in the former Coxen,snt, the, chat are iat3.ea may rece:i e thepromifeofaneuerlaffing /nherstance. Chrifi himiclfe is the ic:undacioi and ground-worke of this Couenant , £fay 49.8. and the fubfiance cf all theG(.4.pcl', as the Apcfiic dehneth, Rim.1.1,2, 3,4 and manyoti erpl ces. The tneanes to make the Couenant effclu tll unto vs, is4aith, the condition of the Couenant ; Bele<a:e in the Lard terns Chrf, and thouMalt be famed, Ais i 6.3 I. Touching the extent cf the Couenant , all Mankinde are not;partakers of ths benefit, butfome certoyne men onely : which certayre rnen,though wee cannot certain- ly defile tl'_e number, s,re but a handfull, in reffectof the great multitudeof ofe that perifh, being ek t be- fore the World was,aad. giuenvnto aria.: that in time, through faith incorporzeed into him : and becommih g one with him;theymighr.,as Mmbers,make that Jody, vvhereof bee is the Head : and fo bee quickened b) his Spirit vnto cuerlafiinglife. And this election of force, neceffarily implyeth the reieaingofother fome.W here- fore here the whole doé}rine of Gods holy preclef ina- tion is fummarily comprehended : Amatter aboue ali o- ther, moil religioufly and foberly to he dealt in not fo much for any hardneffe that is in ir: (which if we kcepe within the bounds and limitsof the Word , is e: fie e- T ncugh to laue, through faith inhim, (that is, by ap- prehending of the Couenant) certaine few men, whom G qd his Fa- t'ie bathchoc f:n.