Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

284 The fecondBookeofDittirtitie, CHA p. z Dough tobee concerned) as in regard partly of the cu- iioufneffe of men, pryingwithout all reuerence into the fecret Counfels of God, and climbingvp byother fleps there himfelte bath hallowed , and partly of their owne corrupt affe&ions, who either fwclling with pride or call downe with feare , can hardlykeepe along thecoat of this Do&rine, without wrecking themfelues, either it the Rocks of Pte.fumption , or the Flats of Dcfpera- tion. Wherefore , toauoid both thefe extremes vvee are tohold fuch a middle courfe,as may not be after the tandome ofour owne wit but at the direfionofGod in the vvifedome of his Word : for, as for them that thinke this Dottrine is not at all to bee taught vino the people it is manifefl that they erre very groffely , this being, as the ref}, one part of the reueilcd vrill of God, evue.3O. 9. whereof Y 4fofes fpeaketh to the people , The hidden things belong to I E H o v A si our God, Ant the reuciled z thins to vs andour childrenfareuer. And if, as the z A- poftle faith, whatfoeuer things artwritten, arewrittenfor our profit, that 61 patience and comfort :of the Scriptures (which cannot be without knowingof them) weemighn haue hope. This being writtenby the finger of God in the Tableof his Word , mugneeds haue a place inthat a Zehn 5.3a. number r.mongLÉ the refl. And the fpeech a ofour Sa- uiour Chria is general' , willing vs to fearch the Scrip- tures for whatfoeuerthings tL,/tedre recordof. What? b chap.9.I0,It That the Apoffle Paul, writing to the b REmaner, doub- teth not to debate this Argument at large difcoutfing of all the ferrets and myf cries thereof, the caufes, of . F.phef.5. feé s, &c. And in the Epifile to the c Epheh'ans, hee lay- it as the foundation andground-worke whereupon to build the Do&rine of Faith and Holineffe of life.: Nay Motes himfclfe, who, for the groffe conceit and ctadcneffeof the Iewes , kept backe the creation of the Angels, and their.fall, andmany other myfieries ; yet how